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The rain was hammering on outside as Max stared out of the window. She was seated in her biology class, barely listening to whatever it was the Professor was saying.

Maybe if Max actually listened during class, she could do well on the test they were to have the following morning, but Max couldn't care less. She genuinely felt that her efforts were futile and there wasn't much point in doing anything.

Max continued to watch the rainfall as the Professor's voice dragged on in the background. Her caramel eyes appeared distant. Although she was physically in the room, mentally, she was back home thinking of the encounter she had with her mother the previous night.

Max sighed deeply, guilt eating her up as she knew she brought her mother an undue amount of stress. It wasn't fair to her mom. Max knew she needed to be more appreciative of her. After all, she was all the family that she had left.

"Remember the test begins at 9 am prompt, so make sure you're here early," Max heard the Professor say, snapping back into the lesson before her.

All around, students were packing up their things and heading for the door. Max concluded that class was over and breathed a sigh of relief as she followed the small crowd of people dispersing from the classroom.

Max stepped out of the classroom, making her way down the hallway, when her phone in her left pocket rang. Looking at the caller ID, she saw ‌it was Jared. Max already knew what it was he was calling her for and ignored his call. She just wasn't in the mood to be around people right now.

Her phone rang again and Max continued walking, pretending not to hear it as she made her way through the remaining people in the hallways.

The second she stepped outside, the downpour hit Max in thick, heavy droplets.

Living in a town like Crowtney, one would think that she knew to have an umbrella on hand always. But this was not the case for Max. She constantly got wet as the town's heavy downpour always caught her unprepared. However, no matter how often it occurred, she simply could not be bothered to be prepared for once.

Campus was beginning to scarce out at this time of day. Not many people took evening classes. Most students preferred having their latest class in the afternoon, so they had the rest of the day free. Max, however, did not mind. Anything that kept her out of her house and out from the watchful gaze of her mom was good enough for her.

Max was now at the main campus car park and located her truck in her usual parking space. She got inside, strapping on her seat belt before driving out of the car park. Rather than heading home, she drove to the more deserted car park on campus: the library car park.

Hardly anyone ever used that carpark, and Max often came there whenever she wanted to be left alone. Doing a quick check to make sure nobody was around her, Max reached into her book bag, which she had placed in the passenger seat, and recovered a bong.

At that moment, her phone buzzed, startling her. She glanced down to see it was a message from Jared wondering where she was and informing her that a group of them were going to smoke in their usual spot in the woods behind the College.

Max completely ignored the text message and lit the base of the bong with her lighter as she took a deep inhale. She relished in the familiar bubbly sound and exhaled, rolling down her car window slightly as she did so. She went down on the bong a couple more times as she felt her head growing lightheaded and the tensions that were constantly all over her body ease up, instantly relaxing her.

Max sat there in the library car park smoking the bong, listening to the rain outside and feeling herself getting higher and higher whilst relishing in how amazing she felt. Her eyelids felt heavy, a side-effect of getting so high so fast. Max carefully placed the bong to the side of her before shutting her eyes and drifting to sleep.

INTERDIMENSIONAL: PART 1 (GirlXGirl) ✓Where stories live. Discover now