Chapter Five

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A lot has changed in the short 3 years since I died. That lovey girl that I was is dead. Being a rogue means not showing weakness and let me tell you, that girl was all weakness. Being a rogue means being harsh and deadly. I had to adapt and survive. Jordan absolutely LOVES who I've become. 

I sure do. I laugh at my wolf. I get up off the grassy floor and start walking with no destination in mind. I've been all over the country but I've managed to avoid the eyes of hunters. If hunters found out about me then I'd never be able to sleep peacefully again. My wolf is like nothing I have ever seen before. I'm the size of an Alpha, if not bigger. If hunters got wind of a girl who has an Alpha sized wolf they'd surely hunt me down and do experiments on me. Or more likely, they'd kill me and I don't plan on dying any time soon. 

I'm far from the soft, skinny girl I used to be. I'm still only 5'6" but the muscle I've built from this lifestyle is amazing. I look strong and powerful. I FEEL strong and powerful. I love this feeling. To be quite honest, I don't know why I didn't become a rogue sooner. I thought a pack life was where it was at but I was so wrong. My eye never turned red like other rogues. To be honest, I kind of wish they did. 

I hissed in pain when I felt a sudden stabbing pain in my side. I opened my jacket to find that one of my recent wounds had reopened. I held it shut with my hand and kept walking. My torso and limbs are covered in scars from all the fights I've been in. Rogues like to fight dirty. No rules. I've managed to keep my face scar free which is good because I like my face. 

I changed directions at the last second and made my way towards the cave I was sleeping in. It's small and out of the way. I just needed somewhere to crash. The entrance was covered by thick vines which was definitely a bonus. I gently pushed them aside and entered the cave. I walked to the back of the cave and dropped down to the floor, my back against a rock. I took off my jacket and lifted my shirt. My wound was bleeding a fair amount. Sleep'll fix it. It was only midday so a nap wouldn't hurt. I laid down and used the rock as a pillow, quickly falling asleep. 

I was jolted awake by a scream. I quickly got to my feet and peeked out of the vine curtain. There was nothing except darkness and the moonlight. I was about to turn back into the cave when I heard the scream again. It was definitely male. I heard a savage growl. I sniffed the air and my heart stopped when I smelt a scent I hadn't come across in a very long time. I sprinted out of the cave towards the scent. It only took a couple of minutes. I arrived just in time to see the rogue throw the pack wolf against a tree. I quickly hid behind a tree and scanned the area. There's four rogues against one pack wolf. That's nowhere near a fair fight. I sighed and ran towards them. Their heads snapped towards me and they growled. I returned my own before jumping on the nearest one. I wrapped my arms around his furry neck and squeezed as hard as I could. I heard a loud crunch and he went limp. I rolled off him and got to work dealing with the other rogues. 

Nearly 30 minutes later they were all dead. I looked at the pack wolf to see that he was unconscious. I knelt down and threw him over my shoulder before walking out of the area. I made it back to my cave without being followed. I gently put the pack wolf down and took a step back. 

"After all these years." I whispered. If I ever wanted to meet him again, this isn't how I wanted to do it. His black hair was a mess, caked in blood and dirt. He was covered in injuries. 

Who is he? Jordan asked. 


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