The hunters are trying to kill us

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"That's not Danica, that's a change-ling." I said raising my eyebrows. "You brought me to see a change-ling. The likely thing is that Danica is out frolicking with Felix."

"Danica is never coming back. I'm Helix, yes I am a change-ling and yes I'm Danica's change-ling. I have finally broken the surface. A weak change-ling would have shifted now but I'm stronger. I could kill you all if I wasn't chained up." The change-ling said coldly.

"Why are you covered in blood? Cause you killed people, innocent super naturals!" I screamed at her. "Just look at you, your covered in blood and your dagger like wings aren't going to help you in the whole innocent act. I am struggling now; I'm trying not to murder you!"

A look of terror passed her face before she started laughing like a maniac. "Please, even if you were mated with an Alpha you wouldn't be able to beat me." She spat. "Didn't you know that change-ling's finger tips can inject wolfs bane into your system. Now we wouldn't want that would we?" Right after she spoke those words her face contorted in agony.

I smirked, "you're shifting, not so unstoppable."

The look of worry placed itself on her features. "No way, she can't come out I thought I beat her this time." Tears filled her eyes. "Help me."

"Ha now that is hilarious you think we're gonna actually help you." I laughed. "Acantha you deal with this I'm going to go to Xavier, he might know where she went."

"Wait, why would Xavier know where Bella is?" Acantha asked.

"They're mates, like you and Damien. Haven't you ever noticed?" I asked smiling at her.

"Are you blind Damien hates me I don't blame him, after all when I became Bella's friend she stopped paying as much attention to him. You're stupid for just thinking of it. Clarista if this is how you think fates are then I don't want to be your friend anymore. You don't even know how naïve you sound; our fates are not planned out." Acantha said looking straight into my eyes. "Leave no one wants you."

 It was then when I took the time to look at her hands, they had an odd black glow to them. A smile lit up my features. "You're still shifting. Acantha this isn't you. It's your dark magic."

"What would you know, leave Clarista before you embarrass yourself further." Acantha said turning her back to me.

"Okay, bye Acantha, call me when you're back to yourself." I said waving my hand back at her.

A few minutes later I found myself outside Xavier's door. I knocked twice and waited, a few seconds later a tall guy answered the door. He was a sorcerer.

"Hey, do you need help getting anywhere." The guy said. "I'm Aaron by the way, now what do you need?"

"Is Xavier here? I need to speak with him." I said looking at the sorcerer.

"Oh my, he is one lucky dude. How on earth did he bag you?" Aaron said.

My face crumpled up in disgust. "Eww he's my brother if I went out with him that would be disgusting!" I said loudly. "Please just tell me where he is."

"Oh he's in his room, he hasn't come out of it all day."

"Thanks," I walked passed him and knocked on Xavier's door.

"Who's there?" He said sounding grim. 

"Your sister now let me in or so help me god I will break this door down!" I half shouted. I was satisfied when I heard a small click. I opened the door.

"Clarista, I messed up. I hurt Bella and now she's gone. Clarista she was taken by hunters." He looked up at me tears rimmed his eyes.

"Xavier, what did you do? What did you do to hurt her?" I asked.

"I broke down the wall that was keeping her safe for a start, I kissed her and I made her cry. But she bit me before she started crying, do you have any idea why she cried." The look of pure sadness masked my brother's face.

I ran up to him and hugged him. "Xavier, where have the hunters taken her? Think, Xavier, think. We have to find her."

"I don't know where she is, I-I think she realised I was reading her so she shut me off and I can't tell where she is." He said, a few seconds later. 

"Xavier we need to find her try again. Please just try again." I said squeezing his hands.

He screwed his eyes shut, so tight that I actually saw tears line his lower lash line. "I can't get through." He said, "Clarista something's very wrong. It's Bella she's hurt."

"Oh my gosh Xavier I think the hunters are after us. They what us dead. They took Bella; they're trying to kill your wolf." I said, "we need to track them down."


Sorry for the wait and thanks for reading!!!!!

IMPORTANT- I am going to re-name this stroy soon and I would love if you post any ideas down below.

PM me if you see any errors!

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Bye Xx

I'm Sorry Mate (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ