The Session Part 1

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Glimmer, Wrong Hordak and Bow were in the front of the ship trying to make the front of it look as comforting and welcoming as possible. Everyone had their own job to take care of.

Glimmer brought pillows from other rooms and handed them to Wrong Hordak who was more cheerful than ever as he adjusted the blankets neatly. He began humming a tune to himself as he turned to the other area to the same. They all shared the excitement for the new discussion and wanted to ensure everything was neat and orderly.

Bow was writing on his tablet reviewing the questions that would make a group therapy successful. His face was serious as he was recollecting everything he knew about organizing questions and different scenarios that may happen. He wished he was in Etheria. There, he would be able to use his Dads' books as a reference, but here in the ship he had to rely on his instincts and memories.

Glimmer began dusting until she finally said, "Ughhhhh Bow, what if Catra doesn't agree to this and we are just wasting our time?"

Bow looked up from his tablet. "Well, if it doesn't work out, I guess we'll just have a clean ship and have to bring more blankets to have a slumber party later. Trust that things will be OK Glimmer. It's not like we have that many things to do on the ship anyway. Look at Wrong Hordak, he's as happy as ever making sure everything looks nice."

"Everything looks nice when we do it for our Brothers." Wrong Hordak smiled as he waved awkwardly to them.

Glimmer and Bow waved awkwardly back until they realized he wasn't waving at them, he was waving past them. They turned to see Entrapta floating outside looking like she was laughing maniacally. She spoke through the speaker

"Don't mind me, I'm just doing some adjustments." She began to spin and Bow nervously looked at her.


"...So this is what you do for entertainment while I'm sulking in the other room." Catra announced as she joined watching Entrapta's spinning begin to speed up. Somehow she continued to spin until she was out of view. 

"Catra!" Bow squeaked "I didn't even hear you come in. Welcome! Are you OK with talking about..."

"Yeah, yeah" Catra shrugged, crossing her arms, "I talk. Adora talks. You make a comment and then it's over."

Adora noticed the neat blankets on the floor. "Oh, you placed some blankets there. It looks nice. I'll sit over there." Adora began to walk towards the blankets Wrong Hordak prepared and sat on the ground with her legs crossed adjusting herself comfortably. 

She looked up to unexpectedly see Catra flinging her body towards her.

"Uumffff" Adora groaned at the unexpected weight of Catra.

"I'll sit right here then." Catra sat on Adora's lap wiggling herself into a more comfortable position while leaning her back on Adora.

"Catra seriously? Do you mind? I can't see anything but your head.

"Oh Adora, you know you like my head. And no, I like it here." She leaned some more as Adora tried to push her off.

Adora sighed and gave up. She allowed herself to secretly enjoy the moment and decided to place her fingertips on Catra's waist. She allowed herself to slowly wrap her arms around her pressing her closer to her body."

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Catra jumped off hoping she wasn't visibly blushing.

"What's wrong? You don't like me hugging you?" Adora said innocently with a slight sarcastic undertone.

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