Chapter 3: Meet the States. (Part One)

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Chapter 3: Time to Meet the States (Part One)
(Just in case you couldn't see the title)

America's POV:

I'm like really really nervous. I don't know if I should like be or not. They're coming over in half an hour. I ordered the states to go from oldest to youngest to introduce themselves. I'm just hoping they don't use the states against me.

"Hey pa? You okay?" I hear a high female voice from behind.

"It's fine Kansas. I'm just worried. Everything clean?" I say back.

"Yes pa!"

"I'm going to my room for a bit. I think doing work is going to calm me down for a bit." I reply back.

Third Person:

As America is doing work, let's see how to other states feel right now.

"Petition to get revenge on selected countries, in order! Please sign if you agree." Massachusetts says.

Voices can be heard across the room, agree, some disagreeing.

In the end, everyone signed. Knowing what they did to their siblings, and various deals were formed.

"We states represent the United States of America. We feel the need to get revenge on certain nations. They did things to our siblings, and us. We didn't do anything to help get revenge. Even though America has gotten revenge before, we, the states, haven't. We have all signed the petition, to show that we all agree on this. We have even gotten, Washington D.C. the capital, to sign it too. With this. I hope we have permission to at least pull pranks on them." Massachusetts sighs after a long take of saying the "formal" speech.

"Who's going to read it to dad?" Wisconsin says while munching on cheese, strangely, she didn't get any on the mat below her.

"I suggest Delaware. He's the oldest, and has been with us since the beginning. He relates to dad the most anyway." Colorado replies. "We better do it quick, they're coming in 21 minutes."

And with that, Delaware took off.

With Delaware...

"What do you say dad? Please? You know, all the hardships we had to go through, and we haven't had a little fun getting revenge. Think about Pearl Harbor and the Revolution!"

"Fine. No killing. They could declare war on us for that." America replies finally.

"You won't regret it!" Delaware says, then shows a smile.

Then Delaware walks out of the room.

"HE SAID YES!" Delaware yelled after he gotten to the living room, where they all met up.

Cheers could be heard around the room.

"The only exception is to not kill anybody, because this could lead to war, like WW1." Delaware adds in.

Many of the states found this understandable, knowing that it was the assassination of one of the rulers that lead to eternal war.


"They're coming in 1 minute! Everyone get ready." America says.

The states start to line up into there respective forms.

"The first five states will go first. The next two days after, we shall progress with the other states." America quickly adds in. "We're starting off easy, later on we'll do more and more."

Most of the states leave. Now there's seven people in the room.

"D.C. , you can stay, you technically part of the 5." America says.

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