7. Compass

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"If I don't have you with me I'm alone, you know I never know which way to go. I think I need you with me for all-time, when I need new direction for my mind. I've got something to confess; I'd keep you in my pocket to use. You're my only compass. I might get lost without you"

After living alone in Las Vegas for a while, I could safely say that I could already feel at home. Obviously, I missed my family and friends but the new path I was taking, was the right one. So, when Grissom told me at the start of the shift that I was going to handle a new case on my own, I couldn't believe it. Grissom thought I had learned enough to trust me with something like that. He wanted to see me fly by myself and that kind of trust placed in me, meant a lot. Evidently, I was still an intern, not an official CSI, so everything would be supervised by my colleague on this case, Sara Sidle.

I put the field kit in the trunk and opened it to check that I was missing nothing. Warrick parked his car next to mine and when he got out he came over to greet me with a caress on the back.

-What are you doing?

-Checking the field kit –I answered him with a smile- See something missing?

-Evidence bags, gloves, tape, fingerprint dust, flashlight, magnifying glass.. No, I don't see anything missing although in the field you really only need three powders; black, magnetic and dragon's blood.

-I know, but I want to be prepared –I closed the kit with excitement- Grissom wants me to lead this case, with Sara's supervision but still it's a big step.

-¡That's great! –Warrick smiled and gave me a little hug- That means that he's seeing progress and believes in you. I know that you are going to be with Sara, but if you have any doubt, call me.

-Will do –I smiled back- Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a 402 to attend.

I got in the car and following the GPS directions, I arrived at the scene where Brass and Sara were waiting for me at the entrance. I parked the car, got out and took my field kit and camera from the trunk.

-The place was called Superla Spa, it was a full-service establishment.. –Brass explained while we walked in- Massage tables, salon chairs, mud baths.. The explosion went off a little after three. The fire department was able to respond in four minutes.

-Not that it helped.

-Place was fully engulfed by the time they arrived. They were just lucky to keep it contained to jus this building –Brass pointed to a man who was leaning out of a corner- The gentleman in the corner there is Pete Baxa. His company owns Superla Spa.

-Hi! Pedro Baxa, Ba-ha, like Baja, California –he introduced himself with a certain sad look- But call me Pete, everyone does.

-You in charge of this place, Pete? –I took the initiative, after Brass and Sara looked at me to do it.

-I'm the CEO of Miel LLC, it's less impressive than it sounds. The company owns Superla Spa.. what's left of it.

-We'll need to know you're insurance provider.

-We'll have to notify the claims adjuster when we've released the scene –Sara added to my petition.

-Actually.. this is kind of embarrassing, but the policy on this place has lapsed –he bowed his head embarrassed- We sent them a payment, but they said they didn't get it. Then they wanted us to pay a late fee and raise our premium.

Sara and I exchanged looks.

-I have some things I need to take care of –he took out a card from his wallet and gave it to me- Here's my card, at least until the next board meeting. You can reach me at my office.

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