Chapter 10: Hide and Seek

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Hello my lovelies!! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I was going to update, but then last week was so hectic that it just slipped my mind. Next time this happens, feel free to leave me a post/message and let me know!

Anyways, I gotta go and write an essay now. So..



“A person often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” ---Jean de La Fontaine

“Hermione? What are you doing?” Cho asked, frowning in concern.

“Oh, me? Ah. Nothing.”

“Then why are you sitting under the table, instead of on the chair like a normal person?” Cho asked. ”And can you please come back up? I look like I’m talking to myself and people are staring.”

“Fine,” Hermione sighed, getting back into the chair. She quickly glanced around the lunch area where they were sitting to see if the source of her distress was near.

“Can you please tell me why you are so jumpy today?”

“I’m not jumpy!” Hermione protested.

“You duck every time someone walks by, you constantly look around the room, you flinch every time the door opens, and, quite frankly, I’m shocked that you didn’t get whiplash from the time Seamus walked in.”

“Sorry,” Hermione apologized. “I’m trying to avoid someone.”

“Who are you trying to avoid?” Cho asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

Before Hermione could answer, from the other side of the room a voice called, “Hermione!”

“Him,” Hermione groaned. “I was trying to avoid him.”

“Hello Hermione, Cho,” Cormac greeted, walking up to them.

“Hello Cormac,” Cho replied with a smile.

“Hello,” Hermione replied looking slightly uncomfortable.

“I made the dinner reservation at The Luxe on Thursday at six. You heard about The Luxe right? It’s the newest restaurant to star in legendary chef Dean Thomas’s “Top 10 Magical Places To Eat” list,” Cormac announced in a voice that seemed entirely too loud in Hermione’s opinion. “I’ll meet you at your apartment at five forty-five and we can just apparate from there. I suggest you were something black, it would complement my dress robes. Anyways, see you on Thursday. Can’t wait!”

Thus with that Cormac walked away, leaving an extremely baffled Cho and embarrassed Hermione behind.

“What just happened?” Cho asked, breaking the silence. “Did you just get asked out by Cormac McLaggen?”

Hermione took a deep breath before beginning the tale of how she ended up stuck on a date with Cormac McLaggen out of the thirty-two million males currently living in the United Kingdom.

“Oh, wow,” Cho replied.

“And that is why I was hiding under the table,” Hermione finished.

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad!” Cho insisted.

Hermione just gave her a look.

“And even if it is,” Cho continued with a mischievous smile, “I’m sure your date today with Harper will make up for it.”

“First of all, it’s not a date,” Hermione replied. “Secondly, how did you find out about that?”

“Um,” Cho replied, not sure whether to continue or not. “Parvati might or might not have been standing near the door while you two were talking. And she might or might not have heard your entire conversation.”

“Gah!” Hermione groaned. “I honestly don’t know why I still have a door. There is clearly no such thing as privacy in this department. That girl could one day take over Rita Skeeters job. So I’m assuming the whole department knows?”

“More or less,” Cho replied apologetically.

“Great,” Hermione replied sarcastically. “That’s just wonderful.”


I know this was a bit short, but I promise the next one is longer =)

Speaking of the next chapter (which shall be posted next week, hopefully), it is titled "It's Like A Date." Any guesses as to what will happen??

P.S. Would you guys mind checking out this story that another Potterhead like myself is writing? Please? It is called "The Story of Charlotte Kington: Love So True." I'll post the link and the description in the comment area. Please check it out!!

So until next week, vote, comment, fan, and keep on loving HP!!

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