Chapter 7

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The human digestive tract evolved with the breakdown of extremely tough substances and the elimination of bacteria in mind. For this reason human digestive juices contain hydroelectric acid (with a ph of 1-2), potassium chloride (used in lethal injection), and sodium chloride (salt). This cocktail of gastric acid has a ph strength of 1-3 and has the capabilities to dissolve metal. Species particularly vulnerable to the effects of acid should be advised on the proper disposal of a human body, and are encouraged to stay clear of humans suffering certain illnesses that may shift the acid outside the body.

"Have your senses completely left you, Physician?"

The Trauma Center's chief director and Dr. Krill's chief paced around his office in a frantic tizzy as Dr. Krill stood quietly by the viewing field staring out at the lonesome grey sky. Despite a covering of atmospheric haze, their neighboring gas giant hung as a large crescent scar of hazy white against the soft grey backdrop.

"Are you even paying attention?" his superior demanded. At this point the Gibb had worked himself up, voice rising to decibel levels that many other species would have found difficult to hear, but despite his superior's raised voice, Dr. Krill simply turned a calm eye upon the Gibb as he hopped about in a frenzy. This was normal for his superior, even on a good day—a product of the Gibb temperament.

"I have dedicated more than half my lifecycle to the conservation and development of this hospital, and I will not have a confused and selfish surgeon ruining our situation, our good will with the Vrul council."

Dr. Krill had always assumed that he possessed an immense well of patience, due to the countless hours of quiet, patient study required to reach his level of skill and talent. However, he was beginning to discover that he was not, in fact, patient when it came to listening to useless, pointless, bumbling idiocy.

"I assure you, Director," he cut in forcibly, "I have made my decision logically. The universe has been lacking in progressive discovery and scientific knowledge over the past few cycles. Advancement in the field of medical science has all but ground to a halt, an issue that troubles me immensely. The humans-"

"Enough! Enough with the humans, Surgeon. You have done your duty for them and completed your involvement; furthermore, the galactic community has no need for scientific study on a primitive species. Your job is to keep them alive, and let them leave."

Krill's antenna hummed in barely controlled anger, "Those are the thoughts of an ignorant and pompous species. These 'creatures' are remarkable, and you would understand that if you had simply taken the time to read my medical report. Furthermore-" he raised his voice in an attempt to stay over the director's shouted words. "Furthermore, any opportunity we have to learn from these creatures should be accepted with all due haste! Can you imagine what we could accomplish if we had the knowledge to perform work on cortical tissue?"

"That is not your-"

" These humans may well be the gateway into a new era of medical science, and it would be irresponsible of us to ignore this fact as doing so handicaps us from fully serving all life."

The Director spun in an exasperated circle throwing his two limbs up into the air in a demonstration of his extreme frustration. "Perhaps, one might be willing to believe your reasoning, but the fact of that you are not doing this for the medical community."

The two of them were standing across from each other separated by ever decreasing territory in a demonstration of unusual aggression for either of their races. "The reason," the Director continued, "you are so interested in the humans has nothing to do with the medical community and everything to do with your insatiable need to show off, and your selfish disregard for the communal good. You want this out of pure curiosity, to the detriment of your own species, this station and the medical community."

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