Mr. Jasper's Christmas

570 30 24
  • Dedicated to Ladyanne

              Under more conventional circumstances, Theobald Jasper would have considered Prague to be the most charming of cities. He was certain Rose would enjoy its intimate grandeur, the thrilling twists and turns of the city's back streets would have delighted his adorable girl. But alas Mrs. Jasper was home at Carlton Square, preparing for their first Christmas in town, and the circumstances Mr. Jasper was contending with were less than congenial.

                Snow was threatening; the evening sky was weighted dark with it. The air brisk, but ripe with the smells of the street food sellers wares. Theobald Jasper eased his stride as he approached the toy shop of Pavel Mareček, the warmth of the brightly lit shop calling to him.  Mareček was a master toymaker, particularly well-known for his automatons, all the rage in London this year. The man was a bringer of delight to child and adult alike. He was also the best damn spy Jasper had ever worked with. Mistr Mareček was an adept in espionage, le patron of every aspect in fact, his talents legion. Never at a loss, all locked doors were a challenge to his ingenuity, all codes mere puzzling diversions. A man of infinite invention, the possessor of such finely tuned sensibilities that he seemed to grasp the secrets in the hearts of all men. In short, the man was a marvel.

                And Mr. Jasper could not deny, he was rather partial to his ebullient nature.

                Outside the shop children clung to the window sill, gaping at the wonders within. Dolls with sweetly smiling faces and impossibly long eyelashes. A tiny horse and cart, so complete in every detail, that Theo fully expected a tiny elfin waggoner to appear, mount the miniature seat and drive it confidently through the wonderful chaos of the paraded of toys.

                The bell above the door tinkled as he stepped into the cozy, overcrowded shop.

                "Ah, your order is ready, all packaged, and complete, come this way." Mareček addressed his new customer in French with a fine Prussian intonation. Theo replied likewise, but his was halting and awkward imitation of the superior tone. It was part of his veil, not a disguise as such, disguise implied false noses, and eye patches. No, you would see Theobald Jasper; just not notice him, obscured as he was by the anonymity of ordinariness. To this end he affected the manner and appearance of a prosperous, but dour, English merchant. A fish out of his own pond, but none the less, respectfully genial.

                In the quiet of Mistr Mareček's office, behind the closed door and busy hubbub of the workshop, Theo maintained his fiction, none listening would overhear dubious conversations, or guarded words that might bring suspicion their way. Prague was a city taut with intrigue, one had but to move sideways to step on a conspirator.  

                "By the by, I was also looking for something suitable for a young female person, perhaps you could suggest something, small, but amusing?" The workshop was a glorious spectacle to any industrious and inquiring mind; he doubted there would not be such a thing available.

                "Ah, I have the very thing, and a modest tidbit of scientific adventure if you will." With a flourish the toy maker produced a small spherical object, bright blue in colour; it tinkled as he lifted it to be admired.

                "A ball?" Theo was not excessively impressed.

                "Ah, but such a ball as you have never seen!" With that Mareček propelled the ball downwards against the floor.

                It's instant; tinkling return to his hand shocked the visitor. "That is certainly something I have never seen..." Theo imagined some trickery was involved, some sleight of hand, but could observe none.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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