VII | Word Around The Block

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7 | "word around the block."


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THE DAY STARTED off like any other. Nonexistent sunshine. Morning sickness. Saltine crackers. The usual... except, she had a itty-bitty bump to show for her extreme efforts to house this baby. She thought it was adorable, like a little kangaroo pouch.

Last night, Sam and Martha discussed their situation as much as possible. The Quileute was very respectful of her decisions and ideas on how to work through this. If Martha didn't know any better, she'd say he was excited about the baby.

It had to do with the way his leg bounced up and down. The sparkle in his dark brown eyes when she said the word 'baby'. He wanted to be involved, every step of the way. No matter the unconventional circumstance they were in, he was looking at this as a blessing. A blessing to have his first child with Martha. And that touched her deeply.

Martha was still wary about the Uley; however, because of the messy situation they were in with Leah. She was so obviously devastated about many things that went down. Now, to find out the love of her life was having a baby with someone else? It strickened Martha's heart just thinking about it.

She made a personal vow to see Leah soon. When things have somewhat calmed down so, she can give her side of everything. Get all the secrets out in the open so there wasn't any unnecessary hostility between them. Martha knew they weren't going to be anywhere near friends again, but she wanted to at least be cordial.

It wasn't anyones fault they fell for the same guy.

Martha sighed as she got out of her car in front of the local market. She needed some serious produce if she was going to survive in La Push another day. That also meant she would start cooking again, which was refreshing after a full year of restaurants and quick snacks. The off-broadway shows didn't give her much time in the kitchen. A room she loved to be. Truth be told she missed her columbian dishes and now she'd be able to make them.

Grabbing a small cart by the automatic double doors, she pushed it inside. Many people she knew from the community were there. Some parents her grandfather associated with and some children she used to babysit for extra money.

Soon, her basket was full of different fresh fruits, vegetables and spices. The only grain being tortillas, rice and a loaf of bread for lazy day sandwiches. She intended to stay in shape for this pregnancy. Not too many sweets and fatty foods. Things seemed to be going pretty well. There were a few curious stares, searching her person for a tell-tale of pregnancy. It made her self-consious but that was it.

Until she went to the juice aisle to find a gaggle of ladies hiding behind a chip divider. Their hushed tones weren't really quiet. Martha found their spiteful conversations degrading.

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