My Grandmother's House

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My uncle came to visit for the Holidays around the 14th of this month. He also brought his 5 year old daughter and 8 year old son, along with his wife. He is very religious and believes that all spirits that walk around the earth are demons.

We had a conversation about spirits and what I saw when I was living in our old house. (You can read about that in "My Childhood Homes".) He claimed to have saw stuff to. He says when his wife (Jessica) and him were living with my grandparents, he saw a shapeshifter.

My grandparents live in a mini mansion on a hill that was built for the creator of a nation wide coal company. Let me explain the layout of this house. When you first walk into the house (we always use one of the back doors) there is a huge kitchen with 2 fridges, a flattop stove (from the early 90's) and two ovens stacked on top of each other (from the 50's). If you turn right there is a dining room with a swinging door, and a set of French doors. If you walk out of the French doors you will see a foyer, bathroom, and a living room. Up the stairs there is a giant hallway shaped like an L.

The first two bedrooms are connected by a dressing room and a bathroom. Those were my grandparents' room and my uncle's daughter's (from a previous marriage) room. The other two bedrooms are connected by two dressing rooms and a bathroom. Those were my uncles room and an empty room. The office and the attic are also in the hallway of the empty room. There is also a staircase with a 1950s chair that moves down to the laundry room, across from my uncle's room. (This layout is how it was in 2005.)

My uncle had to get up early because he was a doctor and needed to be at his job at 6:00 am. Well, he was up at 12:00 am because he had night shift and he went downstairs to get something to eat. He left Jessica upstairs in the bedroom. As he walked down the steps, he looked down the hallway to the kitchen and he saw Jessica walk by. He said she was wearing a red T-shirt and boxer shorts with her hair in a pony tail. He called out, "Jessica?" No answer. He checked the dining room, the living room, and the bathroom and no one was there. The only way downstairs is the main staircase and the chair staircase. But it's impossible to walk down the chair staircase without getting black grease on your feet from the bar that the chair slides down. And he says there were no footprints. Well, he got his food and went back upstairs to find Jessica fast asleep wearing a blue shirt and black pants with her hair down.

Two days later he was taking a shower in his bathroom which is between the two dressing rooms. He had both doors locked and shut. Jessica had already left for work. The shower has one of those foggy class things instead of a shower curtain. He saw Jessica once again with the red T-shirt and boxer shorts and a pony tail. The thing is, it looked like she came from the first dressing room, passed through the bathroom, then through the other dressing room. He said, "Jess, I thought you left for work." That's when he realized that both doors were shut and locked and Jessica had left for work.

I was taking a shower in that same bathroom with one of the doors slightly cracked. The one that was cracked swung open and I saw my Mawmaw walk in wearing her all black pajamas. She was plundering through the dirty clothes and I said, "Mawmaw, get me a towel." No answer. I asked her again, "Mawmaw, I forgot my towel. Can you get me one?" She just walked out. This was not like her. I finally got my towel and later I asked her about it. She said she hadn't been upstairs in the bathroom. And she was wearing her pink pajamas.

In the empty room there is something that is very angry. Once, my Mawmaw says, when they first moved in she slept back there so she wouldn't wake up my pawpaw when she got up for work. One time she woke up and something was holding her down and not letting her get up. She started praying and it went away.

After a while my Mawmaw put a bed and a TV back there for my sister and me to sleep in. Once my sister was at a friend's house and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling angry. I wanted to just wrap my hands around someone's throat and choke them. I don't know why because I'm not a type of person to be mean. I finally forced myself to sleep and woke up and it was like nothing happened.

I want to know why I felt like that. And where do shapeshifters come from? More to come.

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