Yandere mode 100%

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—(Y/n) POV—

Catra dragged me into bed and hugged me from behind so tightly

She cried into my shirt and I could barely breathe

"Catra? Are you ok?" I ask

"Fuck off (Y/n)" Catra says

I let Catra hug me and cry into my shirt and after a while she lets go of me

"Tell anyone about that and I'll break your legs" Catra says

"O-O-O-Ok" I say nervously

Catra leaves the room and I can finally sleep

—time skip 15 hours—

I woke up to Catra gently shaking my shoulders

"Hey (Y/n)" Catra says

"Catra what are you doing?" I ask

"Just checking in on you" Catra says

"Checking on me?" I ask

"You passed out and I-I just wanted to make sure you were alive and you slept for 15 hours" Catra says

"Oh jeez wow. I was really tired then" I say

"Yeah, I'm going to stay here for a bit since everyone is getting ready to go to Salineas" Catra says

Catra lays down beside me and wraps her tail around my right leg

Catra then lays on top of me and she adjust herself so I can breathe

"Catra why" I say

"Because I can" Catra says

Catra lays on me for awhile and she purrs and falls asleep and I hold her hand and she purrs even louder

Eventually I can't feel my arm so I shake her shoulders

"Catra I can't feel my arm" I say

Catra wakes up and looks at me angrily and she gets off of me and I start to feel my arm again and then Catra pulls me up

"Have you seen Scorpia?" I ask

Catra grows mad and slams me against the wall

"I do not care about Scorpia and neither should you" Catra says

I stay silent and Catra grips my arms tighter

"Got it?" Catra says sternly

"G-Got it" I say nervously

Catra lets go of my arms and I look up at her

"Good because we're going to Salineas and you will be by my side the entire time and you can't talk to Kyle anymore or anyone anymore just me" Catra says

"What?! But I-" I say

"(Y/n) as long as you're with me, you are mine" Catra says

"Yours? What does that even mean?" I ask

Catra pulls me towards her and hugs me from behind

"You're mine, you'll always be mine, no one can change that" Catra says in a desperate voice

I feel the fabric of her black sleeve rubbing on my neck

Catra sinks to the ground and I'm pulled down with her

Catra wraps her arms around my chest and waist and I'm sitting in between her legs and she puts her legs on my legs and she holds me tightly

"Catra are you ok?" I ask

"Shhhhhh" Catra says

Catra takes off her head gear thing and puts it down and nuzzles her forehead into my neck

"You're mine, you'll always be mine" Catra says desperately

I like the way she's holding me because it's nice but the reason why and the stuff she's saying is making me extremely uncomfortable and I don't like it

"Nothing bad will happen to you as long as you have me" Catra says

"C-Catra you're scaring me" I say

"As long as you have me. As long as you have me. As long as you have me. As long as you have me" Catra keeps repeating

"Catra! Stop!" I say

I try squirming but she holds tighter to a point where it hurts

"OW! Catra! Stop! Please!" I beg

Catra loosens her grip and but still holds me tight against her chest

"You won't ever leave here. You won't ever leave the fright zone. You won't ever leave m-your home ever again" Catra says

"Catra please" I say

Catra starts putting her claws through my hair and starts purring

"So (Y/n) I just wanted to ask you some questions about you leaving" Catra says

For some reason, even though she's behind me and stroking my hair and I can't see her face, she's still intimidating me

I gulp in fear and stiffen up but I'm prepared to lie

"So (Y/n).....did you make any friends after you left?" Catra asks

I shake in fear and my heart is thumping so fast

"N-N-No.....I-I-I didn't make a single friend" I lie

I have 9 friends and they are amazing

"Good, because I'm your only friend. No one else matters. It's just me and you. Adora is a traitor. Scorpia is a bad friend. It's just me and you" Catra says so desperately

'Fuck you, Scorpia is a great friend'

(It PAINED me to write that Scorpia line. WE LOVE YOU SCORPIA)

Catra puts her head on my shoulder and purrs and I'm so scared because I don't know why she's doing this and I can't stop her or she might hurt me

"I have to get everything ready to go to Salineas" Catra says

Catra finally lets go of me and pulls me up

"Ok, I'm staying here right?" I ask

As usual I'm slammed against the wall and Catra grabs both my wrists with one hand and used the other to hold me in place

"You will be by my side for the rest of your life, so get used to it" Catra says and lets me go and puts her head gear back on and brushes down her hair

I nod and Catra and I head out of our room and we're told more people escaped

"Our escaped people is at 300 now" a soldier says

Catra pulls me along and I realize soon this will all be worth it

All the cuts and scratches

All the hurt pain and tears

All the scars and blood

All of it will be worth it once everyone from Berk can escape

I'll escape soon after

I just need to do a few things to get my plan to fall in line

Soon I'll be in my parents arms

Soon I'll apologize to Adora about everything

Soon I'll be petting toothless

Soon I'll be hugging Hiccup

Soon I'll be free from here

I'm completely terrified of Catra now but I'll escape

I'll escape

A/n: dang last yandere update. I might edit it later. I finally wrote some chapters that I've been dying to write and they go up on Saturday and Sunday :D

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now