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~Requests are now open! You can message me or leave them in the comments at the bottom of this chapter. I'm open with writing pretty much everything so don't be shy and I'll try to get to you. There are no judgements in this house so literally request whatever you want. If you want smut (or specifically no smut) make sure to include it in your request. Same goes with fluff etc. These imagines/preferences/one-shots can be an AU or just within the set universe. It can be any Adam Driver character (although I know some of them better than others). Requests will stay open until I decide that this 'book' is finished and that won't be for a while. These are all going to be X Reader so keep that in mind~

some Adam Driver characters:

-Kylo Ren

-Adam Sackler

-Flip Zimmerman

-Charlie Barber

-Clyde Logan

-Phillip Altman

-Toby Grummett

-etc, etc, etc. (he's got a lot)


-some might contain sensitive themes



-smoking, drinking

-the rest is TBD depending on the requests

-chapters will have different warnings

~Shameless self-promo: I have a Kylo Ren X Reader in progress right now (smut/mature) so check that out while you're waiting. I also may or may not have a Kylo Ren AU coming out soon. *wink wink*~

Adam Driver Character ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now