~Partners-Flip Zimmerman~

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Summary: Ever since you were transferred to the Colorado Springs Police Department, you have been in a constant battle with one of the most prominent officers there. Now that you two have been assigned to the same case, how bad could things be? Right?

Warnings: smoking, language


"You've got to be joking." You exclaim, staring at the chief incredulously.

"He looks pretty serious to me." Flip leans back in his chair in content and you give him the coldest glare you could muster.

You stare at the chief. "You want me to partner up with him? No. I won't do it!" You throw your hands up and sit back. "You're going to have to find someone else to take this case. I refuse to be partnered up with this bastard."

Chief Bridges shrugs, clicking his pen repeatedly. "That's your loss. Your work is impressive and this case needs a... woman's perspective. This is the kind of thing that you get you promoted to a detective."

At this, you freeze up. You had had your eye on that position ever since it opened up when the last guy retired. Now this was your chance to move up at the station. You eye Flip wearily. All you had to do to get the job was put up with this little asshole.

"Alright," you sigh in exasperation. "I'll take the case."

"Excellent." Bridges leans forward, pushing the case files across his desk towards you. "Get right on it."

You snatch the folders before Flip could and stroll out of the office. You could feel his gaze burning on you from behind and it made your cheeks heat up. He was terribly tall and had a strong build. It made you feel like you were about to get pounced on. You flop down into your desk chair and sigh, flipping open the envelope. Coincidentally--and to your dismay--Flip's desk was right behind you. He liked to turn around during work hours and bug you as much as he possibly could. You swivel around in your chair and cross your legs, pulling the papers onto your lap as you rifle through them.

"What are we looking at here?" Flip asks as he takes a long drag of his cigarette.

You shove a handful of papers in his direction. "Why don't you make yourself useful and find out? I'm sure you know how to read."

He chuckles, cocking an eyebrow. His honey-brown eyes glitter. "Why do you hate me so much? You act like I ran your cat over."

"If you must know, it's because you're an arrogant son-of-a-bitch. Your head is so massive because of that swollen ego, I'm surprised it fits through that office door every morning. Just because you and Ron solved that case with the Klan, doesn't make you better than everybody here." You huff.

Flip smirks, his deep dimples appearing around the corners of his mouth. "Ouch. I'll have you know that I don't think I'm better than anyone in this building."

"Tell that to your ego." You raise a cup of coffee to your lips and grin teasingly.

"Coffee stains your teeth." Flip retorts.

"And smoking damages your lungs. I guess we both have problems we'll have to worry about." You roll your eyes and turn your chair back around, tossing the case file back onto your desk.

The folder was incredibly thick, which was both good and bad for you. It meant you had plenty to work with, but it also meant you would have to spend extra hours sorting through everything. The case files in this department were known for being notoriously disorganized. Fortunately you were the type of person that preferred to get things done sooner rather than later. If solving this case meant you would get that promotion, you didn't mind staying extra hours. Even with Flip hanging around you.

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