|15| Relaxation Day

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Taeyong's soft red hair fluttered gently as the breeze was carried along the rolling waves. The hushing and roll of the ocean gave the mafia leader a sense of serendipity. A ghost of a smile crept onto his delicate features.

"Tae?" Doyoung's voice surrounded the pink haired male like a soft blanket of safety.

Glancing towards him Taeyong gave him one of his rare content smiles. His earrings tinkled when a particularly forceful rush of wind blew on the two men. Doyoung returned the smile, hands slipping into the formers.

Mark sprinted past the duo, a partially soaked Donghyuck in tow. Cheers and laughter called after the chaotic boys. The couple watched as Donghyuck's hand grabbed onto the back of Mark's shirt. Forcefully the younger dragged the older into his arms, picking him up he carried him into the ocean. Mark let out screams from the rush of water smacking into the back of his legs.

"They haven't been able to play like that in awhile, huh." Ten murmured when he approached Doyoung and Taeyong. Delight tugged at the corners of his mouth, his straight white teeth a stark difference to his honey colored skin.

Ten's gentle smile and twinkling eyes observed the members. The Thai male had insisted they all wear matching oversized white t-shirts and blue denim shorts. It took lots of persuasion to convince all twenty of the others to go along with it. No one stood a chance when it comes to going against Ten.

"Yah! Park Jisung!" Chenle shouted tackling the youngest to the ground.

Chenle looked like a drowned semi-orange rat sitting atop a bamboo stalk. Jisung called for help, anyone to help him with the angry spit-fire. The Dreamies watched the scene unfold as Chenle started to tickle and hit Jisung.

"Stop it you drowned rat!" Jeno let out a loud cackle at the shocked expression Chenle wore at the youngest words. The orangette's brows disappeared into his hairline, mouth hanging open, big brown eyes blinking in disbelief.

Taking the opportunity Jisung shoved Chenle off, clambering to his feet he ran towards Johnny and Jaehyun. Chenle fell into the warm grains of sand, the power sticking to his wet clothes and skin. The feeling of the sand sticking to his face made him cringe, face pinched in the center. Jisung hid behind the two skyscrapers of men he gently grabbed onto their arms, holding them close to his chest. The two gave him questioning looks but let it slide and continued their conversation.

Jeno grinned, hand outstretched to Chenle offering him help to get up. The wet and sandy boy gratefully took the hand letting the brunette haul him up onto his feet. Rough calloused hands brushed away the sand stuck to Chenle's face. The younger felt his breath hitch, desire to lean in and press his lips against Jeno's chapped ones pressed at the back of his mind. Warm sand blew around their bare feet, the squishy grains dig into their skin like a dried leaf against fingers. Heat flooded throughout his body, lips parting to wet them. "You do kinda look like a drowned rat."

He felt like ice cold water was poured over him, body going rigid from the words. Hand swinging out the younger hit his crush on the bicep screeching in disbelief. Fingers digging into Jeno's arm, Chenle dragged the much more muscular male towards the blue crashing waves. Emotions scattering with each whip of the wind, love and adoration for the offensive male traveled along the breeze.

Jeno stumbled with following Chenle on wobbly feet. Waves crashing into their ankles the sand they stood up was swept out from beneath their feet, both boys falling face first into the semi-warm water. Loud bubbling laughter echoed above the sloshing foaming water. Their heads broke the surface sputtering the salty liquid out.

The brunette laughed before another wave smacking him straight in the face sending swirling underwater. Chenle still had a firm grip on Jeno's arm, pulling on him to help him up. Pale hands tugged his head above the surface, their eyes meeting.

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