Chapter 10

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Last time

We all stand, waiting for what's next. Roybin set's her sister down and takes the necklace off her. And in a flash of light, the necklace and Xelqua from inside of Claire disappear.

Marvin's POV

Sorting herbs is boring, I don't know if it's better as a wolf of human.

Rotten Juniper Berries, Poppy seeds, Chervil, dead Chervil. The list of medical herbs goes on as I sort the herbs onto a shelf. I sigh and trot towards the door and head-butt it open.

Dawn starts to break outside as I walk though the forest, searching for Burdock root and Marigold. I luckily find a patch of both and start grabbing a few chunks and stems.

I snap my head up, ears twitching. Some unfamiliar scents waft though the forest. The few animals must notice too and start running away, I stand my ground.

"Aꖎ!¡⍑ᔑ!" Galactic? Wait. I can speak and translate Galactic!  I think walking slowly towards the voice.

"Aꖎ!¡ha!" The same word.

"Alpha!" I stop. Alpha...alpha. That was a code word for something...Sophia! That'sour code word for is she comes by me! The word signals how many people there are with her!

"Stop talking in Galactic!" A second voice, male.

"Shush. Alpha!"  Four people with her! I walk faster.

"Alpha!" Five!

"Alpha!" Six! I start running.

"Alpha!" Seven!

"..." Seven, seven plus Sophia. Eight in total. I would make a noise, but my mouth is full of herbs.

"Who are you calling to?" A second male voice says. "A friend. I don't know if he heard me." Sophia answers. They're close! I start to run though the forest looking for Sophia's group.

I step on a stick. Silence. "Marv?" Well, almost silence. I walk closer. The smell of blood hits be like a brick, there is a fair amount of it.  I run faster and growl a bit to show I'm here.

"There's wolves in this forest?!" A new female voice joins the conversation. "Nope." Sophia says. The clearing! That's where they are!  I race faster.

I burst thought the bushes that line the clearing, startling everyone. Three boys, the rest are girls. One of them looks really bad.


"Sophia, I have many questions." Roybin says as I put a cold cloth on...uh...Claire! (As a human.) "We also have questions." Keith adds. Sophia sighs, "I know, I know. It's weird if we all have magic. I brought Claire to Marvin's infirmary. Marvin's the one who told me 'if someone gets really hurt bring them here.' And I don't know why."

Everyone looks at me, waiting for my answer. "How many days has it been sense you all slept?" I ask wiping my hands on a towel. They all shurg and murmur random numbers. I walk over to some makeshift beds and sleeping bags, "All of you should sleep for however long. So when you're all awake, I tell you why I told Sophia what I told her."

There were a few protests- mostly from Roybin. - but in the end, I got everyone to sleep. While everyone sleeps I make a small fire outside, so I don't disturb the others. I boil some stream water and add leaves to make some tea. Lemon balm to be exact, an old patient helped my plant some before she left. She also said it helps relive stress.

"That's nice. You all are awake at the same time." I say lapping up some tea. "How long were we out?" Keith yawns. "Day and a half." I say trotting to the fire. I can tell everyone is surprised by how silent it is. I motion to the small pot of lemon balm tea, "Anyone want tea while I explain?"


The angel world was flawed when I was young. At that time, the angel king and queen had two kids. Grace and Connor, the average angels. Blond hair, brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. Though, they weren't fully traditional. Grace would rather be a boy and used her angel magic to do so. Connor liked robots and other mechanical stuff. The king and queen didn't like Grace to be a boy, so she had to learn to be independent. She was lonely because she did mostly everything with Connor so there was nothing to share with anyone. Connor never showed he liked robots and stuff, so he was never punished.


"What about the other angels? She could've talked to them." Diana asks sipping her tea. "For some reason the king and queen forbid them to talk to other angels." I say, "Now, please no interruptions?"


On their 9th birthday, Connor gave Grace, or Grayson as she really wants to be a boy, two robot friends.

The first was Grace as a boy, but with some patches looking like skin, some with the metal plates showing. He was a new friend for Grace. Name: Griffin.

The second was the same but full metal. He also has to be charged by sun or eclecticity made by the sun. He helped Griffin with any problems he had. Name: Robot Griffin.

Grace was super happy with the new friends and for the next two years they also did many things together. Griffin and Robot Griffin were locked in a closet at night and when someone else entered the room.

Then, when they turned 10 it was time for them to get their 'bodyguards.' Because they both love animals, two people from my community were chosen to be their bodyguards. I'll spare you the details but, my friend and I were chosen. We got to know everything about their lives, the robots, and how they don't get along with their parents and why.


"Oh, there's something I need to add before I continue." I say remembering something important. "Ok, what is it?" Roybin asks, laying on her stomach. "In my community at the age of 13 you stop aging. You'll get older but, you will look like who you were at 13." I explain. "Wait." Oliver asks, "How old are you?" I try to melt into the floor, "25. Ok, I'm going to continue."


A few years later, all six of us moved into a small town on earth. Angel Town, it was a countryside town. It was a very unknown town, we always sang around a fire as sunset started. But, there was a problem after 2 years. There was a angry mob that set fire to the town. Grace and Connor used their magic to hold the raiders back while everyone else escaped. Griffin and Robot Griffin's wiring didn't make it though the heat, my friend died trying to save a villages cat. In the end, the village was burnt to a crisp, my friend died, peoples pet's also died.

But, the worst happened. Grace and Connor got fairly bad burns, and overused their magic. When angels overuse their magic, they're erased from the Heaven. Whether if you joined Heaven or if you were born there, you will be erased if you overuse your magic.

When the pair started to disappear, they decided to giver their magic to me. Angel magic is a mixture is strong light, average nature, and very strong healing magic. And I had that times two.


I lap more tea for my dry mouth as the others sit silently.

"So, you insisted that Sophia brings anyone hurt here because you have insane magic?" Roybin asks half looking at her sister.

"Have you actually looked at the wounds on your sister?" I look up at Roybin, "Many were large and deep, others were infected. The one on her left arm, as you know, cut though an artery. I'm also sure none of you have healing powers." Everyone stares me until Keith asks, "Was that all rhetorical, or are we supposed to look at Claire?" I shrug as an answer.

Everyone stands up and walks over to were Claire is. They talk to each other for a bit in hushed voices. Diana turns back to me, "Is she all healed up and just unconscious?" I nod, "I think she'll wake up in a day or two. Soon for how beaten up she was."


Word Count: 1345 [Edited Nov 13th]

I started this chapter on the 26th of July. And It's the 1st of August... I took a break

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