Chapter 17 Reunion

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Owen was following after Claire as she walked down the cliff towards the lake looking around for some sort of foot prints as Owen looked around cautiously narrowing his eyes as he heard a distant roar.

That sounded a bit too close for comfort but he had to keep moving. Turning his head he could see muddy foot steps leading out of the water close to where Claire was searching. But she was peeking through the leaves rather than looking for prints.

Owen walked past her to examine them seeing three pairs like on the cliff and sighed relieved. Seems like you let the boys out first before your self. Which means you must of marched toward this way.

"Claire." Owen shouted to catch her attention and she quickly walked away from the leaves she was looking at to approach him.

"What? What did you find." She sounded panicked.

"More foot steps they went this way." Owen muttered pointing down and Claire looked to where he was pointing sighing relieved.

"I can't believe this," she muttered now walking with Owen as they pushed through the trees, "I mean (Y/N) is so out together you really think she's leading the boys through this?"

"With out a doubt, she's stronger than she looks." Owen smiled to himself at the thought.

"Well yeah I know that but, I don't know I don't think I could do what she convinced them to do." Claire sighed as she trailed behind Owen as he walked forward.

"She's a negotiator, she knows how to get through to people." Owen commented eyeing Claire from the corner of his eyes.

"Is that a direct jab at me?!" Claire felt appalled.

"Is this really the place to be making fun of me?" She scoffed, but deep down she knew he was right. You always managed to talk her down when she was so mad at poor workers.

"Stop." Owen held his arm out and Claire staggered to a stop, the sound of a motor roaring to life filled their ears and Claire felt her eyes widen in relief as Owen rushed forward. The two just missing all three of you now as they stopped looking around at the garage.

Owen raced into the room kneeling down to pick up a discarded jacket.

"This one of theirs?" He turned to look at Claire as she raced over to his side then stopped sighing relieved as she nodded.

"Yeah." She sounded breathless. Owen stood up quickly walking over to the only jeep in the room turning the ignition before making a face.

"How did they even get one of these things started?" He was shocked walking around to see if he could find any parts to work on the other jeep. But as he walked back towards the hood just about to pop it open the ground shook, dust falling from the old lights above and Claire gasped. She quickly raced to Owen's side worriedly clutching the back of his vest as he held a hand out for her to keep her from leaving as he knelt down.

It's here.

His blood ran cold. Quickly Owen pressed his back against the front of the jeep which faced the inside of the garage keeping himself as pressed against it as he could before he turned his head a bit. His gun. His eyes widen a bit as he eyed it just to his right, he was going to make a move for it but then he saw it. The feet of the monster that had been chasing him not that long ago.

Owen let out a breath as Claire gasped and then he looked away quickly staying as still as he could holding his breath as he stared fearfully away feeling the Indominus inching closer.


Owen stared at the wall in thought keeping his body rushed as he felt the Indominus jerk the jeep a bit as if wanting to get a reaction. But alas mom was made. Getting disinterested the Indominus pulled away the foot steps few distant and Owen slowly peered his head over the side of the jeep seeing his gun again. Slowly he reached for it grabbing it and then he flushed his back right back against the jeep.

Unspoken Thing (An Owen Grady X Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum