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Scarlett and I spent the entire evening unpacking and decorating our dorm with fairy lights, posters, and anything that we thought looked cute.

I put my painting stand up in the corner, and by the end, it was cute enough for me to not hate the idea of living there.

I smiled as I sat on the bed, looking around.

"Let's go for dinner?" Scarlett asked, and I nodded.

Jacob met us at the cafeteria, the others were busy setting up their rooms.

The seniors at Westwood high occupied two buildings, one on the east side of campus, and one on the west.

On the east side of campus, was were all of our dorms were. Every year, the seniors got the advantage of living closest to the common facilities, so luckily for me, the gym and cafeteria were both right outside the building.

In our building, the first two floors were for the guys, and the 2nd two, were for the girls.

"So what? You have AP calc as well as art now?" Jacob asked, eating his last bite of mashed potato.


"Well good luck with Mrs.Holler," he said, letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah, thanks, I'll need it," I sighed.

"Aye, Aiden has Mrs.Holler as well," he said, taking a sip of water.

Remembering Levi had the same reaction, I simply nodded.

Once we were done, we headed back to our room. Jake asked if we wanted to go over and chill for a while, but I just wanted to sleep and Scarlett seemed to want that as well.

Not more than 20 minutes after we reached, I took a bath, and fell asleep on my bed.

I wasn't the best sleeper, I either didn't get sleep at all, or I'd wake up for no reason in the middle of the night, and then not sleep, but I was weirdly tired, and managed to get a full nights sleep.


I got up the next morning, an hour and a half earlier than I needed to. I sat up on my bed, and found myself drawing in one of my old books until I finally had to leave for breakfast, before which I got ready.

Scarlett needed to talk to her teacher, and everyone else was busy, so breakfast was just me and Ryan.

We were almost done eating, when some jerk of a guy sat on the chair diagonally opposite from me with an annoying smirk planted onto his face.

He stared at me without saying a word, until I looked up at him, annoyed.

"What?" I asked, as Ryan looked to his left, amused.

"I heard that you and Tyler know..." he winked.

"Fuck off anderson," Ryan said, resting back on his chair.

"Is it true?" the guy asked, still smirking.

"Listen- Ryan began, but I cut him off,

"Wait, you heard this from Tyler,?" I asked.

"He's in the shower now talking about it," he said.

I nodded getting up, and walking out the cafeteria.

"Don't do anything stupid," Ryan said from behind me.

I continued to walk until I reached the building. Instead of taking the elevator to my room, I took the first right, to the guys dorms and straight to the end of the corridor where the guys locker rooms or whatever were.

I heard the security or someone call after me, but chose to pretend that my hearing was bad...which wasn't entirely false.

I pushed the door open, seeing steam around me. I scrunched up my nose as the smell of men's deodrant and sweat flashed through my nose. I heard a couple voices laugh as multiple half naked guys looked at me.

"What the fuck are you doing Jones," I heard a random voice, as I looked for Tyler fucking Mathew.

"Listen you don't want to get detention on your second day back," Ryan said, when I finally saw Tyler.

With nothing but a towel around him, he was standing in front of a mirror, talking to one of his friends laughing away....that was going to end soon.

"Tyler," I called, walking towards him.

He turned around his expression visibly dropping.
Before I knew it, more than half the locker room was crowded around,

"Hayley Jones..." he smirked,

"How've you been, it's been a while since-

"I know that you think my standards are not very high, but they never were or will be low enough-

"what are you going to do, deny what everyone knows is true?" He scoffed, cutting me off.

I walked towards him, poking his ugly chest with the tip of my finger.

"Listen here, I know you think you have the upper hand here,
But here's the thing, the only thing you've done, is tell everyone that I saw just how little your dick is. Stay the fuck away from me." I said.

"Or what?" He asked smirking, taking a step towards me,

That was it. I tried not getting aggressive, but this stupid boy and his stupid locker room talk needed to fucking stop taking everything so lightly. With my palms in fists, I flung my hand forward, meeting Tyler's face in the nose. I heard ooo's and a lot of commotion around me, and decided decided walk away without saying anything more.

I stormed out of the stuffy room, and was faced with the same extremely attractive guy I'd seen yesterday, who understandably looked a little puzzled to see me there....Aiden...
He was in grey Sweatpants, and had a towel hanging off his bare shoulder.

I'm not sure how I felt about the fact that one of the first interactions with him, was me storming out of the men's room..but whatever.

I gave him a small embarrassed smile, when the door behind me opened, and Tyler, with a very bloody nose walked our. "What the fuck is wrong with you Jones," he said threateningly from behind me, and my shoulders stiffened.

"Told you you'd get yourself punched," I heard Aiden say to Tyler from infront of me, looking above my head at him.

Aiden looked back at me, and I flashed him a smile, which cut short by Mr.Thomas angrily walking towards us.

"Hayley can I know why you were in the men's room at eight AM on your second day here." He said looking at me. How was he even here.


"Good morning to you too," I smiled,

"God! Did you do that?" He asked, looking at Tyler's bloody nose.

"Maybe," I said sheepishly.

Mr.Thomas sighed, shaking his head.
"Detention after school, 5-7 in the evening," he said to me. Still worth it.

"Tyler, go to the infirmary."

He looked at me with a disappointed look once more before finally walking away.

Weirdly satisfied, I walked out of the guys dorm area, and out the building. I went back to the Cafeteria where I saw Levi, Scarlett and Ryan.

Once I finally calmed down, my bruised knuckle began to start throbbing with pain....well significantly less pain than Tyler's nose, which is good enough for me.


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