Chapter 20: Hooked.

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[ You know I wouldn't walk away, even if I could ]


      After Jessie and I's date, he pulls up to my apartment complex. "Thanks for tonight, Jessie... I had fun." I say with a fake smile plastered. I felt guilty that I didn't have as much fun as I should've. 

      I felt guilty that the entire time, I spent thinking about how much different it would've been if Jessie was Niall. I knew I shouldn't have, but I did anyway. "Emily... You okay?" I look over to Jessie and nod quickly. 

      "Yeah. I am." I smile lightly. I can't believe I only thought about Niall during a date with such a sweet guy. "I had a lot of fun with you. I haven't had this much fun in forever." Shit. I hate that I'm taking this much advantage of his kindness. 

      I smile and begin to get out of the car. "Emily, wait." I turn back around to Jessie. 


      "You, um, you still have ice cream on your face." He says. 

      "Oh, God. Where?" I begin searching the bottom have of my face for any trace of ice cream making him chuckle. 

      "Right here." He pushes his lips against mine, surprising me. I would be lying if I said he wasn't a good kisser. But it doesn't feel right... 

      As he pulls away, I smile lightly. I get out of the car, but stay at the window. "Bye, Jessie." I say. 

      "Goodnight, Emily." I go inside the apartment complex, glancing back seeing Jessie's car start driving away. 

      I shut the door to the apartment and sigh plopping onto the couch. I wish that I could tell Jessie that it won't work out, but it pains me just thinking about his reaction. I grab my phone and un-mute it. 

From Liam: Niall misses you.

      I unlock the phone and type in a reply. 

To Liam: Is this you teasing or in general?

      I wait a moment before the three dots appear. My heart starts to beat loudly against my chest. Why am I reacting like this? 

From Liam: In general. He hasn't gone out with us ever since you left. 

      Maybe I should call him. I dial Niall's phone number and put it on speaker before laying it on my chest. A very tired sounding Niall answers after the second ring. "Hello?" Just hearing his voice is making butterflies erupt. No, Emily. Stop. 

      "Hey. I didn't wake you, did I?" 

      "Nah. I was just laying down." I nod knowing that he can't see me. "What have you been up to?" 

      "Nothing much," I reply with a sigh. "Other than the date I had tonight." I can hear him sit up.



      I hear him sigh, "Did you have fun?" I pretend that I didn't hear the pain in his voice. 

      "Um, he's really nice." I avoid answering his question. Niall knows when I lie and he will be able to tell right away. I really just want to come out and tell him that I miss him so much. That I only thought about him the entire time. 

      "That's good." He says sadly. "Listen, I have to go. I'll see you soon." 

      "Ni-" The line cuts.

Niall's Pov:

      I have to get over her. She's obviously moved on, then why can't I? I can't show her that she affects me anymore. 

      Why am I so hurt by this? She made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me, so then why am I so hooked on her? She should be the least of my worries. Dammit!


Emily's Pov:

      "Emily!" I hear Harry call from across the airport. Soon, all of the boys are engulfing me in a group hug. 

      "Can't... Breathe!" I let out a breath as they loosen their grip on me and hug back Louis who stays hugging me while the rest let go. 

      "I missed you SO MUCH! Probably more than everyone else!" He says. 

      "Lies! Let me hug my best friend!" Harry pushes Louis away and hugs me tightly. 

      "Alright, alright. My turn!" Liam says hugging me. I giggle and hug back. 

      "You can't forget me! Only the best one out of them all!" Zayn hugs me next. 

      "I missed you guys too." I say releasing from Zayn. I look over at Niall who's standing there awkwardly. I sigh with a smile and hug his torso, breathing in his familiar scent. It takes him by surprise, but he hugs back. His cheek rested on the top of my head and his arms wrapped securely around my shoulders. I felt safe. 

      It lasted until someone cleared their throat. Niall and I release ourselves and I look back at the boys who are smirking. "Alright, we get it that Niall is your favorite. Now let's go, I'm starving!" Zayn says picking my luggage. Louis wraps his arm around my shoulders as we start walking out of the airport. 

      "Now tell us about your vacay." And so, I told them how Grampa and Uncle Mario took me fishing because I hadn't gone in ages. I told them how Yomara took me to the beach and I met Jessie, who definitely caught their attention. 

      I received a "We have to meet him. Just to be sure." From Louis and a "I don't approve." From Zayn. 

      It feels good to be back with the boys.


[ Hooked - Why Don't We ]



Mmmmmmmm.... Hi :D

I know it isn't the best, but promise me, some juicy stuff is about to happen. So this was practically a filler. Oops.

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All the love, C. xx

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