Twenty Three

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My will and testament will be written to give all of my belongings and inventions to Jasmine Fenton. My ghost shall forever wander the ghostzone.

Cause of full death: running too much because a particular someone decided to punch me in the gut with my own words.

The God forsaken treadmill. Vlad took me seriously. This means he was so not kidding about the rabid dogs. And that scares me more than Jack Fenton saying something smart. In other words, it shouldn't happen, exist, or be a thing.

I tried to get away with not going to the personal gym by acting lost, but I found out way too soon that Vlad was a step or five ahead of me. Bradley was just waiting for me at the end of that hallway and I don't appreciate it.

Once I was on the treadmill, even he wasn't going easy on me. I fell off twice before he decided to turn it off.

Even with a few more minutes to spare than yesterday, I also had a few more bruises than I did yesterday.

As soon as he said that I could go "clean up" I ran. Faster than what I did on the treadmill. I barely close my bathroom door before I'm already getting ready for a shower and brushing my teeth.

I'm out of breath, but the cold shower cools me off a bit. I quickly scrub some shampoo in my hair and wash off the important parts at lightning speed.

Sonic who? The Flash who? We don't know 'em.

I rinse and jump out I grab a clean pair of boxers and slip them on. The pants was probably the easiest to get on, aka the quickest. I had to button my shirt, tuck it in my pants, clip the suspenders on, and then get the jacket on.

I wipe my hair down with my towel and throw it over my chair to air dry.

By the time I get my shoes on, I almost fall like I did yesterday.

I almost forget the tie but stop myself halfway out my bedroom door. I grab my bag too and rush down the stairs.

"You're going to be late if you keep this up." Vladimir says, sitting calmly in the passenger seat of his limo. In his usual full suit and tie.

I would snap back with how this would be my second time being on this schedule so excuse me for being a bit late, but like I've said before, he has power that could ruin my life.

He could still stick me in a foster home and say c'est la vie. He could completely ignore Clockwork's request and live his life without me in it. I'd have to have my old last name back too.

Speaking of Fenton, I wonder if I'd be able to get ahold of Jazz soon. I have the piece of paper she gave me the last time we saw each other. I could try and see if Vlad would be nice enough to get me actual data to call her.

Even though half the time I forget I even have a phone. Seriously, what importance was it to me before?

The driver parks us in front of entrance doors, I climb out quickly. I make sure to not forget anything like my bag or water.

After walking through the entrance doors I head straight to first block. My Algebra class with Sam.

Now that I think about it, is she my friend? Does she consider me a friend? Or are we just acquaintances that I just so happen to look forward to meeting everyday?

Am I becoming too close to someone who could potentially leave or hurt me in the near future? Probably. Is that going to hinder me even when I have a past of mentally abusive parents? Nope.

Pain is pain, and if it's brought to me then so be it. I've lived through worse.

I walk in the class to see Sam sitting at her desk reading her book. A dark hardcover I don't bother to read the title of. Not wanting to bother her, I sit down quietly in the seat next to her. Patiently waiting for her to finish reading before I greet her. I occupy myself with my sleeve.

Masters's Sonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें