It hurts A Lot Now

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                 You came home. Drunk. Wounded. Raged. Smelling feminine.I don't know how that happened as Jimin and I stay home always these days. It's probably as we are least into the business and more into designing you all and furnishing the houses. You said you all had an attack, and you tried to save one of your partners. It was -her.

I tried to dress your wounds, but you scoffed away. I saw that you were angry, but I saw you wanted someone to take care for you, I hope you want me.

Putting your clothes for laundry, I saw a girls rubber band in your jeans pocket. Few days back, I was cleaning up the guns and checking them, I saw that you had a list of guns to be bought for someone.

I love guns, I thought it was for me. But in the end I saw... Kang Minseol. Is that her name. It hurts bae, it hurts...

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