t w e l v e

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  After their day in the city, they spent almost every available moment together, in and out of the jazz club.

  They had many dinners at local restaurants, many late night walks in the moonlight, and peaceful evenings where all they did was talk to each other. As long as they were together, everything sounded like heaven.

  But today, he wanted to do something different.

  "Where are we going, Blue?" she asked him as he covered her eyes from behind, leading her to a surprise.

  "You'll see in a second. Let me just add the final touch," he said before letting her go. She listened curiously as he shuffled around and furrowed her eyebrows at a strange clicking sound. Then finally, he stepped back, wearing a nervous smile. "Alright, you can look now."

She slowly opened her eyes, excited. Her first instinct was to look at him as he rocked on the balls of his feet, watching her expression, then her gaze landed on the candlelit table beside him.

A smile blossomed on her face as she stepped closer, looking at the two glasses of piña coladas with a side of curly fries. She then realized that they were in a private room that was filled with instruments all around them.

"Yes, this is the band room. The guys are letting us use it tonight since it's my day off, and they promised they wouldn't let anyone disturb us," he said before she could even ask.

"This is beautiful, Blue," she told him, her voice soft with emotion as she smiled brightly. "Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me yet," he quickly interjected and pulled out the chair for her. After they both took a seat, he waited a moment as she took a sip of her drink.

He then reached under the table and presented her with a small gift bag. She raised an eyebrow at him, her lips curling in amusement.

"So ever since you took me to that concert hall, I've been trying to find a way to repay you. The first thing I thought of was to take you to the library since you like reading, but you've probably already been there a million times," he began to explain, and she chuckled, nodding. "I wanted to give you something that you'd treasure as much as I treasured going to that concert hall. And this is what I came up with."

He handed her the gift across the table and pursed his lips as she opened it. Her eyes immediately lit up in pure happiness at the sight.

  "You got me a new journal?" she gasped, flipping it open to find another gift. "And a ticket for the next book convention? Where all of my favorite authors will be?"

  He grinned, cherishing the joy that seemed to radiate from every cell of her body. "Yes, I did. I remembered you told me a while back that you've always wanted to go."

  "Wow! This is—" she paused, completely speechless, then set the gift aside and smiled at him. "This is the most touching thing anyone has ever done for me."

  He stretched his hand across the table, which she happily took.

  His voice was equally as emotional as he spoke from the depths of his heart. "Now you know how I felt."

  As they squeezed each other's hands and stared into each other's eyes, they knew something beautiful was blooming between them.

  And they couldn't wait for the days to come.

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