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ੈ♡₊˚•. ˖⋆ ━━━━━⠀WONDERING !
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 THREE ・*:·. ⇌ ஜ  .·:*

⇢ present day
the ground. 

          Millie exhaled lightly, closing one eye. Her fingers delicately gripped the arrow, other hands tightly wrapped around the bow; she lined up the shot. A small squirrel sat in her line of vision, sitting peacefully on a tree branch eating a nut, with no idea that in a few seconds, it would be dead. She reopened her eye, and let go of the bow, letting it soar through the air. The next sound she heard was the light thumping of the squirrel falling onto the forest ground.

         Grinning triumphantly, she slid the bow and arrow back into the holster on her back and marched towards the now-deceased squirrel. It sat unmoving on a leaf, the arrow going straight through its middle. Perfect shot. She picked up the arrow, lifting the squirrel at the same time. Blood soaked the tips of the arrow, killing the small defenseless animal.

       At first, Millie felt remorse for killing the animals, but she soon realized it was her or them and pushed her grief to the side. There weren't many, to begin with, most of them were deformed and inedible anyways. She trudged through the leaves, skillfully stepping over the branches and rocks on her way home.

        Over the past two years, Millie was introduced to all the horrors and gifts the earth was full of. Trikru wasn't the only clan she had the pleasure of running into, but seven of them. She's sure there was more, but she wasn't so inclined on introducing herself. They weren't all so different from each other, aside from small kinks and traditions that made them their own. No matter how kind and giving, not one allowed her to stay. They all opposed her as a threat to them, sending her off on her own without a second thought.

          But out of 7 of 13 clans, none were as brutal and malicious as Azgeda.

        Her cave wasn't a place most people would've liked to call home, but Millie didn't mind it. The cave was a sanctuary in the storm, a calm place to regroup and become stronger. It was a small cozy cave on the side of a mountain. Moss and dangling leaves covered the entrance, giving it the illusion of a door. Inside was dark except for the lowly lit candles on each side of it, giving her just enough light to move around without tripping over everything. In the right and far most corner was her bed; which was made of blankets that had been gifted generously to her.

        On the left was her food, filled with berries, meat, and edible plants. Her clothing and weapons lay not far from the food, and personal items next to that. The only personal item is a woven bracelet made for her by Apollo. It normally was on her wrist, with the exception of hunting and swimming. It wasn't much, but it was home.

       There was a spot for fire right outside of her cave where she cooked her meals. Today was no exception. She slowly turned the squirrel over the fire, occasionally glancing around the dark forest out of instinct. She had been blindsided one too many times.

      It had been two years since she woke up that one dreadful day, and to say her life changed was the understatement of the century. She was no longer a desperate and insecure girl, but now a strengthened and vibrant woman who couldn't care less about the people who left her alone. Lie number one. She didn't need them, she had herself. And that would have to do.

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