Part 1

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Owen tossed the last rat at Blue before looking up to the sound of tires rolling to a stop along the dirt path that lead up to the raptor enclosure. A familiar white SUV pulled up causing Owen to give an eye roll but he finished up with the raptors then made his way down to the ground where sure enough Clair emerged from her car dressed in that perfectly pressed, white outfit of hers meaning only one thing...this was business. Wiping his hands on his pants Owen made his way over to Clair who already had that 'we need to talk about work' look on her face that Owen grumbled at.

"Hey Clair, what brings you into the dirty world of raptor training? Shouldn't you be in a sterilized office with stainless steal everything?" Owen sarcastically asked

"Very funny Mr. Grady," Clair scoffed

"Oh come on now, we broke up only like a week ago and already it's Mr. Grady?" Owen groused

"Yes, it is now...when will the raptors be ready for that little entertainment venture we discussed?" Clair asked as she stuck her nose up in the air and made her way over the raptor enclosure.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it! Yes we discussed that but I recall telling you that's not what these animals are bred for, my raptors are wild creatures and are not for public display," Owen corrected the red head as he got between her and the enclosure.

"And I recall telling you that these animals are Jurassic World property, you are merely a train them!" Clair emphasized the 'them' at the end of her sentence by poking Owen in the chest.

"These animals are not a circus attraction, plus what you're proposing is nearly impossible to do especially in the time slot allotted!" Owen barked, pointing at the enclosure behind him.

"2 weeks Mr. Grady, that's all you have...train them to do what we discussed or kiss your job goodbye," Clair snootily stated then turned to strut back to her vehicle

"I can't do that!" Owen called after her with slight anger in his voice

"2 WEEKS!" Clair barked angrily back as she climbed into her car

Owen through his hands in the air in defeat as Clair's SUV engine roared to life then took off back down the road she'd originally came up. Owen stood with one hand on his hip while the other ran through his dirty, sweat soaked short brown hair with a heavy sigh. Clair wanted the raptors trained so that someone could get into the cage with them for the demo he usually did up on the cat walk but with how moody Blue had been lately it was anyone's guess if that could ever happen.

A couple days later...

Clair's high heels tapped along the pristine floors of the main office building heading into the control room where everything in Jurassic World was monitored.

"Status report," Clair called out

"Everything is running smoothly ma'am, a couple lost children but they are quickly being taken care of," Karen informed Clair

"Excellent, that's wonderful news," Clair smiled broadly

"Calm before the storm," Lowery interjected

"Must you always be a pessimist?" Clair asked, shooting a disapproving look at Lowery

"Just saying...that's how it always goes," Lowery defended

"Well don't say it," Clair insisted before turning her attention back to the large monitor

"Oh, by the way this came in from Mr. Grady," Karen stated getting up from her desk with a piece of paper in her hand.

"What is it?" Clair asked after letting out a deep sigh

"Looks like a progress report ma'am," Karen informed Clair

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