Prankster wife

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Ahana's pov:

That stupid ajay is calling me, i didn't pick his call because he didn't came to rescue me when chimp kidnapped me.

But that stupid ajay kept on calling me. Arjun picked his call and put on the speaker.

"Aha where are you? You asked me to bring you a cocktail but before i came you went somewhere" he blurred out everything.

I immediately put the speaker off and told him to call me later and cut the call.

"You are not looking like a person who drinks alcohol then why did you asked him? " he asked calmly but i can tell from his looks that he is raging in anger.

"That thattt" i stuttered.

"Speak up dammit"his knuckles turned white in anger as he fisted the steering wheel furiously.

" i saw in serials that hero will drink alcohol inorder to forget his worries and fights"he nodded his head asking me to continue.

"So why not i too drink alcohol to forget afternoon incident" i told the truth.

A small smile crept on his face after my explanation.

"You are not allowed to watch that stupid serials hereafter and moreover drinking is not a solution to problems. It will only made people insane so don't think of drinking that ever."

Then why they show in serials like that, anyways i won't stop watching that....


I freshened up and was waiting for his reaction for my prank. I told you guys that i will made him suffer for bringing no no kidnapped me in the middle of the party and made me cry in the afternoon.

He too came after freshened up,i closed my eyes pretending to sleep.

"Ahana i know you are not sleeping please get up i want to explain what happened in the office" i know being angry without hearing their point of view is wrong so i asked him to explain.

He explained and i feel guilty for judging him and assumed everything of my own.

When he said he was proud of me.

I was on cloud 28.

Everyone used to say cloud 9. But you know 28 is my birthday date so i changed it to cloud 28.

"Sorry i assumed everything on my own without hearing your points"

"It's ok leave it, but why the hell you didn't tell anyone that you are married? Ms. Ahana"he stressed the word miss.

"You feel ashamed to introduce me as your wife to the media and you also told me to not take advantage of you being a ceo so i didn't told them i am married" i know i am bit harsh towards him. But let him eat his own medicine.

"Sorry at that time i thought you were a " he dragged.

"Slut, bitch, gold digger and whore right? " words hurts more than a action.

"I know you cannot forgive me for my previous behavior but i will try my best to seek your forgiveness" i nodded at his words.

He wished me good night and lay down on his bed.

Shit shit what to do now, i planned a prank to disturb his sleep tonight.

But now i don't want that. He didn't do anything wrong i only misunderstood him.

What to do now? If he lay on the bed he will definetly find out my prank.

"Think you are brilliant right" my brain mocked me.

"Shut up you only gave an idea to pull a prank" i retored.

Idea!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's make him not to lay on the bed tonight.

"Arjun arjun" i yelled.

"Whattt" he asked visibly irritated for disturbing his sleep.

"You are a CEO of malhothra group of companies. You have to work hard rather than sleeping this early" i tried my best in order to not let him sleep.

"For the fuck sake it is not early, it was fucking 1am"

"Yeah yeah that's what i am saying, time doesn't matters you have to work all the time so that you will become a successful business man one day"

"For your kind information i am already successful businesses man"

"Stop arguing. Go and work" i ordered him.

He was suprised of my tone even i too.

But nonetheless he took his laptop and about to sat on the bed "arjun, couch will be comfortable for you to work" before he reply i pulled him and made him sit on the couch.

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now he can't find my stupid prank.

I get one chair from another room and started watching Man Vs Wild in tv.

Bear grills 😍.

I turned my head to look at arjun he was yawning, a huge yawn. A chimpanzee can even enter in this chimp mouth.

I chuckled at my thoughts.

"Why are you laughing? Go and bring me a tea or coffee" he commanded.

Controlling chimpanzee 😤.

Now i was in a kitchen thinking whether to make tea or coffee.

"What about tea and coffee? " my brilliant brain suggested.

"Nice idea"

Soon i made tea and coffee. I bring it to our room.

"Here drink this" i gave him his cup.

"Yuckk" he spitted everything once the drink touched his taste buds.

"What the fuck is this?" He said looking at my drink with a disgusting look.

"You asked me to prepare tea or coffee na, i was confused so i made both. I add 1 tsp of tea powder and 1 tsp of coffee powder in your drink" i explained my hardwork.

"I shouldn't had forgot about your cooking skills before asking you to prepare tea or coffee" he facepalmed himself.

I showed him my 28 teeths. 4 teeths didn't grow yet. Poor me😞.

"I think your mom loves you lot that she didn't even let you made tea or coffee"

"For your not so kind information, my mom loves her kitchen alot than me. So she didn't want me to spoil her kitchen"

"Am i that bad in cooking" i mentally exclaimed.

When i was in my la la land, arjun shouted. I turned towards the source and saw him standing in the bed.

He must had laid on the bed and found about my stupid prank.

"Ahanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, what you did to my bed" arjun yelled.

Ahana you are dead today by your hubby's hand 😣😟😞.

With love, Jasz 💚

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With love,
Jasz 💚.

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