First Contact

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The 56th Scouting Expedition had begun late into the morning, and while everything had begun just as normal, there had been some small tremors earlier in the morning, and that was strange because there was no record of an earthquake or a tremor ever happening, especially this far inside of the walls.

It was by no means a big tremor, but it was enough to make chairs and tables jiggle a little bit, so if there was an explanation for what had caused the tremor, hopefully they would find out, and if not, leave it up to chance that it won't happen again.

Erwin Smith had commanded the Scouts on a fair few expeditions, and he had been a Scout in so much more expeditions, and this one was just supposed to be like any other, travel south towards Wall Maria, setting up supply stations so that when they had a way to plug the hole in Wall Maria, they could do so with the help of the supplies that had been left on the way.

It had started the same as any others aside from the odd conversation he had picked up on from the civilians and fellow soldier alike about a new hope for the Scouting Regiment because of five years without a major incident, and he was well aware that they would be getting some new recruits in the coming days, no matter how small that number may be, more recruits would always be welcome.

A couple of hours into the expedition and a couple Titan sightings later, the Scouts were set up in a small village, with Erwin Smith, his Section Commander's Hange Zoe, Mike Zacharias and Dita Ness, and Captain Levi, all gathered up in the village square to discuss their next move for the expedition.

"So we are in this village here." Erwin pointed to it on the map. "And our goal is to move further south to this village here. Titan sightings have been minimal so far, which means we could see a lot more of them the further south we go. Do any of you have anything else to report."

"Yeah." Mike spoke up. "While we were riding to the village, I could smell metal to the south west, and it was a lot of metal beyond the treeline."

"You sure it wasn't the steel from our swords." Levi, the short Captain asked.

"No, the steel we use smells dirty, nothing like what I could smell." Mike replied with. "This stuff was clean, fresh, a lot more refined. Never smelled anything like it before, at least no metal like it before."

"Alright then Mike, take your squad, Hange and Levi with your squad. Take a look beyond the treeline, if you find anything, fire a purple flare." Erwin told them. "If you need us to come, follow it up with a yellow flare and I'll redirect some more soldiers to come support."

With everything set up, the four were dismissed, with Erwin and Dita joining up with the rest of the Scouts while Mike, Hange and Levi all gathered up their squads to set off on their detour of a mission.

"What do you think we'll find out there Levi." Hange, the resident Titan expert and fanatic asked the man. "Mike's nose has never been wrong before, so it must be something."

"With any luck, something to help us kill Titans." Levi answered back with. "Stop asking stupid questions four eyes, we'll find out when we get there."

With the three squads and the leaders all set and ready to go, they set off to the south west, riding in a close formation for close support in case anybody needed any help, with Mike and his squad up front, Hange and her squad on the left, with Levi and his on the right.

But when they got through the treeline, none of them were prepared for what it was that they saw. Despite the fact that there were three Titans in clear view, one one the floor, the attention of every one of them was brought to the huge metal thing that was laying on the ground.

"What is that." Nanaba, the short haired blonde in Mike's squad, was the first one to speak up. "It's... huge."

"Well we won't find out from over here!" Hange yelled, overcome with excitement at their new discovery. "Let's go!"

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