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10. 45 p.m

Naomi just woke up after hours of sleeping, she adjusting her sight and noticed that the lights in her room was dimmed. Realizing it was night time, she quickly searching for her phone next to the night stand and noticing it was pass 6p.m. She missed the gang's mission for the first time at her third week being a mafia member.

"Oh shit, I overslept!" She groaned and flick her own forehead. She found out Rachel isn't on her bed and the suite was sound really quiet. Looking back again on her phone showing 10:50 p.m, then she looked at the window, the night silently roam with vehicle lights floating on the road.

"Did all of them went out for the mission?"

She got up from her current position heading towards the door leaving the bedroom.

"The suite seemed really quite, they're not coming home yet"

She couldn't let out a small noise from herself because it was her habit, staying alone in her own apartment in silence.

She heard another a small chattering sounds coming from the living room. She was so curious and cautious who's in that room, so she grab a kitchen knife from the kitchen, because her room was close enough to the kitchen. In a slow pace, she walked slowly to the living room.

Then she suddenly heard the chattering turn into a loud evil laughter. The worst part, the living room was dark, she unable to see any single shit in front of her. But there's a blue ray hitting the wall, her hands holding the knife with steady, ready to throw all the force to the unknown visitor.

Hearing a footstep getting closer, she quickly immerge herself from the side of the wall, scaring the heck out of the person.

"Hendery?!" She lowered the knife. Hendery was shocked, his face was pale as corpse.

"Naomi? What is this? Are you trying to kill me? Are you sleep walking?" His pale face got into his normal skin tone after worrying about Naomi, who almost stabbed him at the shoulder.

"No, I thought there's an intruder coming since I'm...home alone. Why aren't you joining the mission?" She eyed him up and down and look at the blue ray and the loud chattering source, the TV.

"Taeyong want me to stay back, watching you incase you run away." Hendery said. Naomi raised one eyebrow and looked at him with madness in her eyes.

"You guys still thinking that I will escape myself from the gang?" She raised her voice. Hendery walk passed her heading to the kitchen while she followed his back.

"Well, anything can happen sweetheart, we didn't trust anyone in the gang." Hendery said. His words made Naomi wanted to know why...the members didn't trust each other and always fighting among themselves.

"All of you will never survive the gambling game if you never trust the card that was given to you." She said while she took a seat near the kitchen counter. Hendery went silent while taking some snacks from the cupboard. After two minutes he decided to speak up.

"The members will come home anytime. Why don't we just watch some movies? Since you're awake from your 12+ hours of sleep." Hendery offered. He acted like Naomi's words never exist. Without thinking too much why he acted like that, she agreed .


12:34 a.m

"Whew that was a great marathon." Hendery stretch his body after hours of binge watching.

"That was a goddamn horror movie and you called it marathon? How are you not afraid of ghost ?" Naomi blurted out. Hendery chuckled over her scared look.

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