Chapter 43: The King's Dream

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Chapter 43: The King's Dream

Previously on Ever After...

"Chase, you're confusing me." I interrupt him. "What are you saying?"

"Izzy," a smile breaks across his lips, completely helpless, "I've fallen, Iz. I've fallen completely, utterly, madly in love with you."

At the heat of the moment, he reaches in to kiss me. His body leans forward expecting his lips to reach mine in the perfect kiss I've longed for. Everything I've thought was a fantasy was a dream come true. He admitted it. He confirmed his feelings and announced his true love for me.

My hand stops him from going further. He respectfully pulls away, confused. Honestly, so was I. I was completely taken back, almost distraught. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why was I so upset? This was something I wanted. But it wasn't right. I didn't understand why it wasn't, but the feeling in my heart proved otherwise. It was contradicting. I hated it. I was afraid of it.

"I. . . I thought you liked me back." Chase said quickly, the sadness in his voice quaking with a tenderness I wasn't used to.

His hand recoiled from mine, shifting away from me. Now it was really awkward. The situation was intense. My mouth fell silent without a word spoken. What could I possibly say to return things back to normal?

What was wrong with me? I know I like him back. What is wrong with being in such denial of my feelings that I have to shove it in his face? It wasn't true. I have feelings for him that I cannot explain. But for some reason Alistair was in the back of my mind in the corner of my brain — still there.

And then it clicked. I realized why it was like that. I never got my closure over him. There were hopeless thoughts of returning back to him, but the chances were slimmer than a Cheshire disappearing without a smile. There were none. So why are my feelings still clinging onto him? My dreams were only a fairytale. If the impossible was possible with this one, then of course, I'd go back to him just like that. But the whole thing was a waste. We'll never come across paths again. Not unless. . .

The curse had to be lifted. If the curse was lifted and the passageways were cleared, then we could meet again. But that could only be undone by the Evil Queen and let's be fair, she would never do such a thing. There's not a single nice bone in her frivolous, evil body. She cursed my home, and destroyed the Looking Glass Lands, and nearly is destroying Wonderland. She had to go down. Thankfully she's locked up in the enchanted mirror, but still, her eyes are everywhere thanks to the magic of the glass. Trust me, I'd know. It's where I'm from. She could be watching us right now if she wanted to thanks to mirrors literally being everywhere, but thankfully, she can't get out unless the glass breaks, which will never happen. Her daughter would never let her out.

So now was the time to make up my mind. Did I want someone that I was never going to have the chance to return to? What then even if I could? Bunny hates me and Alistair probably has no idea I'm here. He probably thinks I'm dead or imprisoned by the Red Queen again. What could he even do?

Now things are changing for me. I'm no longer where I was then. So much has happened since. Nothing will ever be the same but no one said it had to be a bad thing either. So why can't I move on and accept it with Chase? Why am I still holding onto Alistair? Why can't I let myself be happy with him if it were a chance? What if it worked and sparks fly between us? But the heartbreak of leaving Alistair behind haunted my thoughts.

He's gone, Iz. There's no way of getting back. Headmaster Grimm banished me from Ever After regardless, so it was pointless anyways. Still, the rules never stopped me before. Rules were meant to be broken. That didn't mean giving up on him completely. However, there's this amazing, wonderful guy in front of me who is the equivalent of a best friend. But that's what he is. A best friend. Would he really only stay in that position? He's so much more to that compared to the likeness of Alistair. There was no need to compare. Chase is wonderful in his own perfect way just like Alistair is even in different ways.

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