Twilight Lost

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There are days I open my eyes
Only to want to close them again
They are the harder days or at least they start that way
There are days I get out of bed
And feel every muscle strain to lie back down again
They are the better days because at least I got out of bed
There are days I feel the weight of my emotions
If I am honest these are most all of the days
But only on some of them do they weigh me down
- Like a heavy stone around my neck
This jagged painful boulder of a stone
Holding all the pain inside it, all the hurt, the grief, the shame
This hidden stone that keeps the darkness within it…
On the good days, the happy days, the stone is non-existent
Because it has a casing around it that keeps it apart
… out of touch… out of phase
But Reality happens and plains of existence align
And something more than the daily pebbles gets hammered at that casing
And it cracks, just a few cracks, the aftermath of an earthquake
But what sits in that stone is fluid and it starts to seep out
It starts to taunt and to taint the thoughts of the day to day
And soon as you realize you start patching the cracks
...slapping on the duct tape
Sometimes too little too late though…
Because fight as you might, darkness is falling
and it is blotting out the moon
the moonlight that lights up your soul
the moonlight that illuminates your hopes and dreams
the twilight that is the expanse of all that is good in your life
the twilight that is quiet and serene and lets you walk in moonlight
…in peace
Now the twilight is gone.
Hope – the twilight is lost… because lost things can be found again.

Author's Note:
If you liked my turn of phrase thus far and want more, please please please 🥺 leave a comment or a vote. Feedback helps to keep a poetess going!

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