A Brand New Day

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There’s beauty in losing yourself and finding yourself. When you lose yourself, you feel almost every emotion conceivable. When you find yourself you learn through the healing process how to deal with those emotions.

Gang Tae and Moon Young watched Sang Tae walk away from them and towards Sang In’s car. Something about this moment made their hearts ache yet fill with unexplainable joy. It was not that he was taking a step towards being independent but he was taking a step towards his dreams, towards finding himself, his journey, his adventures. And he was doing it alone, without holding Gang Tae’s hand. He was walking on this journey with himself, Moon Sang Tae.

Gang Tae reached out for Moon Young’s hand to keep him completely breaking down, he chuckled at this outburst. He had always thought Sang Tae needed him, and like his mother said, his purpose was to look out for Sang Tae and be his guardian, his protector but over the years, he needed Sang Tae just as Sang Tae needed him. Just as he was his guardian and his protector, Sang Tae was his guardian and his protector as well.

They fought, they cried. They laughed, they learned. They hurt each other, they consoled each other. But most importantly they grew and healed each other. Gang Tae was happy, truly happy and a little sad Sang Tae did not need him and he was finding his own way in life. He had dreamed of this day but he did not expect it to come so soon.

Moon Young smiled at him wistfully and caressed his back, smiling Gang Tae wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him.

“Oh he said we’re going to have some coffee first.” Sang Tae announced as Sang In followed him.

“Gosh.” Gang Tae wiped his tears with his sleeves as Sang Tae walked towards the camper van, making Moon Young laugh.

“We have coffee right? Didn’t you guys have coffee earlier? Where’s the coffee?” Sang Tae asked, ransacking the kitchen area for coffee.

“I’ll get it for you.” Gang Tan ran into the camper and took out their coffee making materials and made another cup for Sang In.

“Moon Young-ah, you will always have a home in our company, whenever you decide to come back and write we will welcome you with open arms. No matter how long you take.” Sang In told Moon Young.

“I know..thank you.” Moon Young said, smiling.

Sang In pursed his lips to prevent himself from crying out loud, in all these years of knowing her and working with her professionally and personally she has never thanked him genuinely. She preferred to show it with actions but hearing her say it for the first time made his heart fill with joy. It was never about the money nor fame for him, he loved working with her because she was always transparent with her likes and dislikes. Knowing her struggles and past only made him love her as a person and little sister more. He wanted to protect her and help her, little did he know she would find someone and in the midst of all the trauma and pain, she would find ways to heal.

He looked at her, she was beaming. There was something different and beautiful about her. She looked like she was carrying mountains on her shoulders and trying to divert everyone’s attention to something else. She was happy, truly happy, and healing. As he drank his coffee and Sang Tae went through some basic safety tips with both Gang Tae and Moon Young, he could not help but relish in the fact that the three of them had a huge part to play in each other’s and individual’s growth and healing.

It was an odd trio but somehow even as an outsider, he could see the immense love and support they had within and for each other. A family, they found a family in each other. He noticed how Gang Tae would pat or caress Moon Young in between and she would simply smile at him. Their vibrant faces were so full of joy and happiness it made his heartache in wonder and contentment. He wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks as he joined them in their conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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