Hugs and kisses

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It was the middle of the night but your phone wouldn't stop ringing.
'Who the fuck...?' You thought.

You answered not realising it was a video chat.

It was Tendou, of course.

"Ughhh...." you were too tired to answer properly.


"Gee thanks" you were now looking at your phone seeing his smiling little face. So cute..
Wait it looked like he was outside. Don't tell me...


This made you wake up. "ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME TENDOU?"

You crawled out of bed, put on a hoodie and went downstairs.

Sure enough when you opened the door Tendou was there with Ushijima.
"Hello y/n" the stoic figure said.

"Dudeeee, it's so late. Why are you guys here?"

Tendou wrapped his long arms around you. He gave the best hugs.

"We didn't see you since you left Shiritorizawa, so we wanted to see how your first day was, but we had to wait until everyone was asleep to sneak out of the dorms".

"I missed you two" your voice was muffled from being trapped in Tendou's hug.

You freed yourself from his hug to go give Ushijima one too. He looked so awkward standing in your doorway. His hugs are so warm. He rested his chin on your head.
"Why did you have to go?" He sounded upset.

Tendou had left the two of you alone to go explore the house. Ushijima nestled his face in your hair. One hand on the back of your head and the other on your waist. Your arms barely fit around his broad back. You snuggled your face into his chest. It was so hard leaving Shiritorizawa, leaving him....

He planted a light kiss on your forehead as he pulled away from the hug.
"Let's find Tendou" he said. "Before he breaks anything"
With that a loud crash came from the kitchen. Followed by Tendou shouting. "IT WASNT ME"

"Awwww shit" you ran into the kitchen to see that Tendou broke a plate trying to make a sandwich.

"Dude if you wanted food I could make you some, we all know you cannot make any food"

You went to the fridge. It was about 2am and they had walked all the way to your house so you were gonna make them some good food.


"THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL Y/N" Tendou lay back in his chair, sighing and patting his stomach.

"Do you guys wanna stay the night? It's a long walk back, so you should take a bus in the morning"

"I think that's a good idea" Ushijima said, starting to stand up.

"I'll get some blankets" you headed out of the kitchen.

Tendou jumped onto your back. "Awwww y/n does that mean your not gonna let me sleep in your bed with you?"

You blushed. "TENDOU YOU SAY THAT LIKE WE HAVE BEFORE" you hid him lightly on the head.

"But, we have?"

Ushijima peeked around at the two of you bickering. "You slept together?"

"DONT MAKE IT SOUND WEIRD USHIJIMA" you were very flustered.

It was true that you had stayed in the same bed together but not like that. You two were very close, but still only friends. You both felt the same about that, all the flirting you did was only joking. You both knew that much.

Still on your back, Tendou pouted. "Fine we will sleep in the living room on the couches, but only if you give me a kiss to make up for it" he said puckering up and laughing.

"Oi, no way" you pinched his cheek.

Ushijima suddenly pulled Tendou off of you. "You are not allowed to kiss y/n" he told Tendou strictly.

"Awwww Wakatoshi is so protective of his little crush" Tendou walked away winking at the both of you.

"Ahem, I...." Ushijima began.

You stood on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. "It's ok, I know he's only joking" you passed his the blankets. "Goodnight"
You waved goodbye and headed up the stairs.

Ushijima put his hand over where you kissed him. A light blush came over his cheeks. It wasn't unusual for you three to show affection easily to each other. He thought about how you had always hugged him and kissed him. Did it mean anything?

"What's taking so long Waka-chan?" Tendou appeared where Ushijima was standing.
Tendou had an idea of how he felt for you. Was he jealous of how Tendou and you acted around each other? But Tendou only liked you as a friend, you two were just overly flirty but that was how you always were.

All he knew was Ushijima is shit when it comes to feelings.

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