Episode FIVE

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Smiling big, Noah watched through his phone screen as Roni tucked Jack into their bed. She always said she had a hard time sleeping when Noah wasn't home. So, she let Jack sleep in their bed with her whenever he was out of town. Only Little Man wasn't sleeping yet, and Noah knew it was past his bedtime.

As if reading his mind, Roni leaned over and kissed Jack's forehead. "Jack promised he'd go straight to sleep or he'd have to go back to his room. Right, baby?"

She moved the screen so Noah could witness Jack nodding. Noah couldn't help chuckling. As if! Like she'd let him go back to his room even if he wanted to.

"Goodnight, buddy. I love you."

"Night, night, dada. Uv!" Jack waved at the screen then blew a kiss with his hand.

When Roni was back on the screen, Noah smirked at her. "Should I let you go so he can actually fall asleep?"

"No. I already told him mommy's gonna talk to daddy a little more in another room."

She gave him a knowing smirk as she waved at Jack before she walked out the room into the hallway. They both knew what was really going to happen. Jack would find one reason after another to keep getting out of bed until she was finally in bed with him. But Noah had already told her all about the first day of the charity golf tournament he'd attended with Abel and Felix. He'd give talking to her a little longer a try before they inevitably would have to give up so Jack could fall asleep.

Putting her finger to her lips, neither said anything until they were far enough away from Jack's earshot. They might get lucky and he just might fall asleep, but Noah knew it was a longshot.

As soon as he saw her walk into the kitchen, Noah started up again. "So how was your day?"

"Good." For a moment she was out of view as she set the iPad down on its stand on the kitchen counter. "We had lunch with Nellie and Reina."

"Let me guess." Noah smiled playfully. "Reina did most of the talking."

"Ha, ha," she said as she walked away from the screen to grab an orange from the fruit basket. "She doesn't even talk in full-on sentences; it's just she says so much more than Jack did at her age. But I'm done worrying about it. I'm fully convinced now I was just being paranoid."

"Good." Noah sat back against the pillows on his bed. "I for one will be glad when we get this behind us and there's no more need for you to step foot in that doctor's office again."

He left it at that because he'd vowed he wouldn't even ask her about the guy anymore. Noah figured, if she'd heard from the guy again, Roni would know better than to keep it from him. So, he refused to even ask her if she had. Instead, he smiled, admiring his wife's ass under her thin sleep pants as she walked away again and dug in drawer for something.

"I ran into him today."



Feeling his insides do the same thing they did the last time she referred to the doctor as Mateo, Noah sat up a little. He waited for her to turn around so he could look at her face when he asked, but she didn't. She was still digging in the damn drawer.


"5th Street."

Feeling his brows jump and losing his patience because she still hadn't turned to face the screen, he sat all the way up. "What are you looking for, Roni?"

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