19. wedding !!

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I stand there in trance
Everything seems to go blur, but Amy there is no way out of here.

You are stuck .

You have thought about it over and over and over again .

You can't go weak now
Let's just do and get over with all of this .

I snap out of my train of thoughts when the priest starts ..

" So Ladies and gentlemen .....we all gather here on this glorious day to witness the union of Samuel knight and Amelia Davis ......please hold each others hands ( he says to both of us which we oblige being out of options ) Now repeat after me !!"

please hold each others hands ( he says to both of us which we oblige being out of options ) Now repeat after me !!"

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Priest speaks and Samuel repeats after him everything which eventually becomes his vow .

" I Samuel knight take you Amelia Davis to be to be my wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part "

Which was followed by a round of applause .
And here comes my turn , I took a deep breath I know what I am doing and what I am gonna do but still there a pit in my stomach ...this never ending anxiety and nervousness .

I again breath in and breath out

" I Amelia Davis take you Samuel knight to be to be my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part "

Which was also followed by a round of applause.

We exchanged our rings

And suddenly that pit was gone , that nervousness and everything was like... gone gone .

May be because it's over now , I am married .

I am officially no more single which was never ready to mingle .

" Now ,You may kiss your bride !" These words rang in my ears .

Oh my goodness !!

I never thought about this sloppy part of my nightmare.

I have to kiss Mr Six pack
Well, it's not really that bad -my subconsciousness cooes while adding
And this offer is really very very tempting ,

but I don't want to ...
Because I don't love him or anything , I'm not in a relationship with him

'But he is your husband' my subconsciousness yells at me .

Yeah ! But it's not li- my train of thoughts was broken when Mr Dumbhead remove the veil from my face .

That makes my eyes go round and big like saucers , and I see him imitating my reactions , he stared at me for a second stunned ,then lean in and slowly crash his lips on mine .

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