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Might As Well Kill Myself
was born during my school's
2019 journalistic writing competition
in feature category.

P. S. The circumstances were
purely fictional.

P. P. S. My parents are
fair, just, and understanding.
Unlike those in the article,
they accept us for who we are
and push as to be better but
only in ways
we are comfortable with.

P. P. P. S. My siblings and I love each other.
And there's no room
for envy
as our house is already full as it is. 😉


Our coach once said that
a feature writer and his writing
are one.
What a writer writes
is either
his experiences
his perceptions.

Topics were then given
where we are to choose from
as the subject for our article.

Competition and its Effects.

My choice was as bright as day.

Then the clock started ticking.

Half of it jogged by
and my paper
was still

How I hated that.
That unofficial writer's block.

Half the sand in the hourglass,
I declared war.

I picked up my sword
and slaughtered my way in.
Blood was beginning to shower.
I rushed my pace.
No time to check.
What came to mind,
I wrote.

What came to mind,
I hated.

I hated it.
The feeling from

Of being compared.

Much more
when whom they equate you with
has not summed up
to even a quarter
of who you really are.

It shocked me.
I had handled the actual situation
long ago

Though my subconscious begged otherwise.

A sudden revelation.

That was an epiphany.
Until then,
I had no idea
how significant
that situation can be
for other people.

Little did I know,
others had worn my shoes too.
And walked on the same road
for those shoes to be

And I believe that
You should do the same.

When people try to harm you,
use their own weapon against them.
But not in the way they did,
nor in the way they expect.

Use it wisely.
Like how wise you are.

Kill them with kindness.

And that kindness is by killing yourself.
For the better.

For yourself
to be your best.

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