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Jon's POV

I could feel her getting tensed. So I pull her closer towards me and rub her back.
"It's alright Emmy. You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No. I d-do. I mean, it's been so long since I spoke about this to anyone. I have been bottling it up for years. "

"Then now is the right time baby. I might not be able to relate the lose of a loved one but I can be a good listener at times."

"Yeah......well, I don't know from where do I start. I remember everything, every tiny moment of that dreadful day. Yet, it seems to be so fuzzy." She sighs and wipes the tears that has already started running down her face. I kiss her temple and give her shoulder a gentle squeeze, as an assurance that I am there for her.
" It was one of my friends' birthday. So me and a couple of my friends had decided to surprise her at 12:00 AM. We had managed a ride to her place. But the ride back home was supposed to be my father. By the time the party ended, it was around 2:00 AM so I called daddy to let him know that the party was over. He was on his way and had brought mommy along with him. My mom was apprehensive to let him drive alone this late at night. As he was driving, a drunkard speeds away haphazardly from the opposite direction and............" by now she was a sobbing mess. I couldn't take it any longer so I lifted her off the couch and placed her on my lap after moving Tony towards the other end.

"Hey it's okay. You don't have to say anything further." I whispered in her ear whilst rubbing soothing circles on her back. I placed her head under my chin and held her close to me.

I may have been an orphan. But I never knew how it felt to lose your parents, since I never had one. I guess being accustomed to having no one right from the start is better than losing them after all the wonderful memories they gave you. I don't really have any words with which I can pacify her, hence I comfort her with my actions. That's the least I can do right now. It breaks my heart to see her like this. So broken that it is beyond anyone's scope to repair her. Who knew that the girl who was always giggling and smiling would break down to an extend that she can't breathe.

Wait what? FUCK!

I can feel Emmy shaking and gasping for air. Jesus Christ she's having a panic attack!

"Emma! Baby listen to me. Look at me."

I cup her face and make her look at me.

"Listen to me Emma! Listen to my voice. Deep breaths baby. Take a deep breath." I say whilst taking a deep breath myself to demonstrate it to her. She follows my instructions and has finally, calmed down. She is sweating profusely which has caused her baby hairs to stick to her face. She's so exhausted that her body collapses against mine. I rub her back and move the baby hairs from her face.

"I'm so sorry you had to see me like this" She says in a voice that is barely audible. "I haven't opened up this much to anyone in a very long time. And I just relived those memories which was too much to handle."

"It's alright Emmy. It's absolutely fine. I'm here for you baby."

"Thank you Jonny." I smile at her nickname for me. Before I could say another word, I hear soft snores.


I don't blame her. Today's events might have drained her physically and emotionally. I feel horrible now. As it is, she was crying over her Aunt's comments. And I being the dumbfuck I am, had to ask her about her parents. And if all this wasn't enough, she had a panic attack. I held her against my body for a few more minutes, she feels so good against my body. I wonder how she'll feel against me....naked. I mentally slap myself for being such a pervert. She has been on an emotional roller coaster today and here I am fantasizing about her naked body.

I place my hands below her butt and lift her whilst getting off the couch. I go to her room and tuck her to bed. She looks so peaceful while sleeping, like an Angel. Her eyes are puffed up, cheeks are red and her mouth is slightly apart. I have never seen something so beautiful. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Now when I think about it, the shirt she is wearing now, most probably belongs to her father. Gosh I must be lying if I say that it isn't a relief. I stroke her hair affectionately and place a soft kiss on her eyes. She wore out those gorgeous emerald eyes with all the crying. Those eyes deserve to shine with happiness, instead of being filled with sorrow.

As I am admiring my sleeping beauty like a creep, I hear soft footsteps from behind and soon, a furry body jumps onto the bed. Tony first licks Emmy's face, as if he knew that his mommy had a rough day and then places his head on her tummy and goes into a deep slumber. At least she's got a dog to console her, unlike me.

Now, this is where the dilemma begins. Should I stay back and make sure she's alright or should I go back to my place? I would love to stay back but I don't wanna freak her out in the morning. But I also wouldn't wanna leave her all by herself. I don't want her to wake up in the morning with a heavy heart. I may not be that great of a company but I'm still better. Moreover, there wouldn't be anyone to lock the door if I leave now. I can't let her sleep with the door unlocked.

So I make up my mind and decide to stay the night over. The couch looks brutally small for me but the thought that I will be sleeping within Emmy's vicinity encourages me to go with the couch. Anyways, I am drained myself to care about the discomfort.
I remove my shirt and jeans and crash on the couch covering myself with the thin blanket. I gotta wake up before Emmy does and get dressed.

I don't wanna freak her out by seeing me in my boxers. I don't mind her seeing me bare, but Emmy wouldn't approve of that.

Or what if she does?!


I KNOW I KNOW! I did tell you guys that I wouldn't bother you with an other note but I couldn't stop myself 🙈🙈
I really really hope that my story is worth your time. It would mean a lot to me if you guys could COMMENT and VOTE this chapter.
See you guys the next time♥️

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