44| Redo

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Chapter 44: Redo (Carter's POV)

When she started heading out to the field for lunch, I read the look on her face crystal clear. She loved the presents, who wouldn't? She loved them, but they weren't going to help. I knew the kind of person she was, it wasn't the gifts, the expenses, or the things I bought her. It was the little things that mattered. 

I could only do those little things if she let me get close to her, and that won't happen unless we're alone. So a date it is. I didn't go outside for lunch that day, I was trying to come up with an idea of what to do. She doesn't like big, expensive, elaborate things. It has to be something small but meaningful. 

On our first date, we had a game and a movie night. So that is out of the question. 

Where can I take her? 

It suddenly clicked in my mind. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number that I needed to. I confirmed my time with them at six o'clock. I finally stood up as the bell rang. 

Back to class then. 


I got in my car and drove to her place at around 5:45 even though I told her 6. I couldn't wait. I went over and rang the doorbell. She answered, taking a little longer than usual with a lollipop in her mouth, one shoe on, one off, and completely dressed. 

"You said six o'clock," she said, the lollipop sitting on the inside of her cheek, pushing it out. 

"Take your time," I shrugged. 

She went back up to her room after telling me to wait down here but me being me, I just went up there. I opened the door while she was putting in small hoops for earrings, still one shoe on and the other off. "I thought I said downstairs," she said without turning to look at me. 

"You did," I replied while walking over to her. I stood behind her, staring at her through the mirror. She put her hair down and brushed it through before throwing it up in a high ponytail. She looked really cute. She had jeans on with white sneakers and a yellow top that stopped around her midriff. 

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare?" she asked, holding her hair tie in her mouth. 

"Pretty much," I nodded. 

She rolled her eyes before pulling her hair together and tying it off. She turned to me and sighed, "You are so annoying," she mumbled. 

"Really? Am I?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Where are we going?" she asked while sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling her other shoe on.

"It's a surprise," I said while kneeling in front of her and tying her laces for her. 

"I can do that myself," she said. 

"Never said you can't." I stood and held my hand out. "Shall we?" She grabbed her phone and keys before standing up on her own and turning the lights off, leaving her room. "I guess that works too," I mumbled under my breath. We went downstairs and I got the car door for her before climbing in and starting the car and driving us. 

"Can you tell me where we're going now? We're already on our way, it's not like I can make a run for it," she huffed. 

"We'll be there in like twenty minutes, just deal with it, Alex. You'll like it, I promise," I said, keeping my eyes on the road. She didn't say anything, she just stared out the window probably cursing me for not telling her. I put my free hand on her thigh and she smacked it off almost instantly. 

I sighed before putting it back, my palm facing up as I silently asked her to hold my hand. She hesitated, but she folded her arms across her chest and stared out of the window. So I just put my hand back on her thigh. She clicked her tongue in frustration before grabbing it and locking her hand with mine. I smiled to myself like an idiot while driving. 

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