16. A new teacher

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The first month at Hogwarts went by very quickly.
Percy went to detention with Harry. Umbridge made them write 'I must not tell lies' over and over again.
She was using a magical feather. And now Percy has a brand new scar on his hands. But from a different kind of monster than he usually gets them.
She has become a big annoyance to almost everyone at school.

Percy had gotten used to the way things worked in and around the castle. He had fun with the other students. Still, he missed his friends, camp but mostly, Annabeth.

He had a free period and decided to IM her.
He didn't had have much time to do so lately. All their calls were short and were interrupted a lot. But now he had an hour to talk with her alone.
Percy went outside and went to the lake.

The air was getting colder. Autumn was comming.
He found a secluded spot and created a rainbow.
He threw a drachma in it and prayed to Fleecy.

After a second or two a blonde girl appeared.
She was reading outside. She was so focused on her book she didn't notice Percy.

Percy smiled and looked at her.
She looked tired. But still beautiful as ever.

"Hey wise girl." Percy said smiling softly.
She immediately looked up. When her eyes landed on Percy she smiled widely.

"Percy!" She called out happy. "Finally! What took you so long?" She asked.

"Sorry, I really wanted to call you. This week was just so hectic and the homework has been killing me. Anyways. I have been wanting to tell you something important. I didn't had the time last couple of times." Percy said.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Remember when camp got attacked by the Kampê?" Percy asked. Annabeth nodded looking serious.
"It showed up. Here at school. Alongside Kelli and Tammi."

Annabeth looked at Percy with wide eyes.
"What! The kampê attacked the school?! Are you hurt? Did they find out? What happened?"

"No I was able to prevent an attack. I had a dream about monsters working with Voldemort. And that he send some to the school. I fought the kampê and the empousai. Luckily I killed them before it could hurt anyone." Percy explained.

"You defeated them? By yourself?" She asked surprised.

"Excuse me, do you know who you are talking to? It's me. The Percy Jackson. Of course I killed it by myself." Percy said jokingly. They laughed. "No but seriously. Magic doesn't work on them. So I was the only one that actually could do something."

"You got lucky Percy. You need to be careful. If he is working with them... you know how much of them hate you and want nothing more than to see your head on a stick."

"Thanks, I definitely needed a reminder of that."

"Sorry.. it's just that I hate being so far away from you. I can't even help you if you need it." She said a bit frustrated.

"I know.. but it will be alright." Percy tried to reassure her. She smiled at him. "There hasn't been any attacks since then."

"Okay... Tell me about everything. About the school, the classes. Everything." She asked.

Percy smiled and told her about the couple of days in the house, the Weasley's, Harry, Ron and Hermione. About the castle and the classes.

She listened and looked longingly at him. Like she wished she could just step through the portal and be there with him to see it for herself.

Then Percy realized he was running late for his next class.

"I need to go! I'm going to be late. And I don't want Umbridge to make me come to detention again!" Percy said with big eyes.

"Again?" Annabeth asked sternly.

"Love you, bye!" Percy said quickly and waved through the rainbow.

Percy sprinted through the castle and was just in time for his lesson. Everyone was already sitting down and Umbridge eyed him as he took his place.

The class went by agonizingly slow.
Hermione kept shaking her head and Harry just glared at her. Ron seemed to be sleeping with his eyes open.

When class was finally over Percy walked with Harry, Ron and Hermione to the great hall.

"How are we ever going to learn to defend ourselves!" Hermione said. "I mean. This is not going to be enough. By far." She said.

"There is not much we can do about it.. unless we get a new teacher." Ron shrugs.

Hermione didn't say anything. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks and started to smile. She looked at Harry.

"What?" He asked a bit scared of her look.

"I have an idea. It will break a lot of school rules. But.. it could work!" She says suddenly walking very fast towards the Great Hall.

I looked at the two confused boys. We looked at each other and followed her.
Hermione walked up to the table of Gryffindor where Nevile Longbottom was eating his lunch.

She sat down next to him and looked at him with big eyes. He turned his head and looked at her confused.
"Hi?" He said with a full mouth.

"Nevile, you told me last week you found a weird room right? One that appeared out of nowhere?" She asked. Neville nodded. "I did some research. It is called The room of requirement." Hermione said.
She looked at us and smiled.

"Hermione.. talk to us. What are you saying?" Percy asked. She looked so much like Annabeth sometimes.

"Nothing any of you should worry about. Let me take care of something first. See you all later.." She said before walking out of the hall.

"I can't be the only ond that is super confused right now?" Ron asked.

"Nope." Harry, Percy and Nevile answered in choir.

Percy, Ron and Harry didn't see Hermione until dinner. The three boys were eating their dinner when she sat down next to Ron.

"What have you been doing all day?" Ron asked.

"Working on my idea. Because if we are doing it we have to make sure we won't get caught." She says.

"Okay.. are you going to tell us what your idea is?" Harry asked.

Hermione looked around a little uneasy.
"We need to know how to defend ourselves. Umbridge is not going to do it. So we need someone who will. Someone who has experience with fighting against dark magic." She says like she already has someone in mind.

"Maybe you could ask Lupin?" Harry offered.

Hermione shook her head lightly.
"I was thinking you could teach us Harry.." She asked.

"Me?" Harry said surprised. "Hermione, who would possibly want to learn from me? I am crazy and a liar remember?" Harry said bitterly.

"More people belief you than you think. Trust me." Ron said looking at his plate.

"And you want to use the Room of Requirement as a classroom?" Percy asked Hermione. She nodded.

"Yes. Only those who know where it is and know how to open it can get in. The room changes to the needs of the one walking inside. It's perfect."

"I don't know Hermione.." Harry said doubtfully.

"It could work." Percy said. "We need to learn. And the pink toad definitely won't."

"Exactly. Harry I already have a couple people that want to join. I have set up a gathering. Please just come and then you can decide.." Hermione beggs. Harry sighs and looks at his friend.

"Fine.." He breaths. "Just let me know when and where." He says.

"Tomorrow. I'll pick you guys up around four after classes." She says with a big smile.

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