01. Posthumous Recognition

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Posthumous Recognition
chapter i.
warnings: sexual situations, drinking,
cocaine use

OUTER BANKS WAS PARADISE ON EARTH, according to the sign that read at the front of the island, and according to Layne's mother. Rory Hetfield was a 51-year old woman, who was raised in New Jersey. Kurt Hetfield, Layne's father, was born and raised in the OBX, like Layne. She hadn't seen any of the world outside of the island, except for when she roomed at East Carolina University during the past school year. Even then, that didn't count. Rory never wanted to leave, but Layne didn't blame her—everything they needed was right here on the island. There was no need to leave. That's why Layne was going to commute to college from here on out—she couldn't stand not being near the water. Being near her childhood. Most people who were born on the OBX stayed there.

Layne liked to pretend Rafe wasn't another reason for her coming home. She hated the fact that she missed him. She had kissed plenty of boys within the span of time she was away from home, but still texted him as if she never left. On her holiday breaks she'd spend nearly every night with him. She hadn't told him about any of the boys she kissed, even the few she slept with—she was truthfully scared of how he'd react. They weren't dating—he made that very, very clear, yet Layne felt so obligated to him.

It was May when she returned to the island. There weren't many tourons yet, but she knew Alberto would want her back at the marina as soon as possible. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to work there yet. But, she wasn't a minor anymore—so he'd actually have to pay her normally. But, Marian and Claudia both said they could get her a job bartending or waitressing at the Ocean Course Clubhouse they worked at. Or maybe she could work as a cart girl and get tipped by pervy men. Either way, she needed a new job, a break from the place she was working at since she was fourteen, and move onto something new.

The ferry ride was something she was used to, but she hated lugging her bags around. Especially when she didn't have people there to help her out. But, when she arrived back on the island, she spotted her parents, Marian and Claudia waving to her from the dock. There was a sudden nausea that washed over her, one that she accredited to the idea of being back home. Maybe she shouldn't commute to school next year. The longing to go back home nearly disappeared once she got it. But, the sun was high in the sky, and she could see the seagulls chasing people with their food, and she felt home, safe. She was still scared of seeing him.

The rest of her luggage was getting carried out by the workers, and she gave them warm smiles as they sweat through their uniforms. Her dad rushed to her side to grab her items as her mom engulfed her in a hug before anyone else.

"Oh, my sweet pea—I'm so glad you're home. I never want you to leave again," she breathed into her hair. Despite having seen her mom not even five months ago, she looked so different. Her hair was down past her breasts, and it was obvious she had gone into town and got highlights. Unless she had squirt lemon onto her roots to bring out more blonde—nevertheless, she looked beautiful. But, Layne always knew her mother was beautiful. Sometimes, when Layne looked in the mirror, she would get homesick, because she looked like her. Or maybe it was her mind convincing her that that was the case.

"Rory, let go of her, I want to see her face," Kurt had announced from behind them, shooing them away from where everyone was, and carried Layne's bags away. His hands then clasped over her cheeks. "Oh, my gorgeous girl," he placed two chaste kisses on her cheeks, and then one on her nose. Layne couldn't help but flush red, and flushed even more when Claudia and Marian gave her a hug. She could hardly wrap her arms around the pair of them.

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