I Miss the Old You

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“So, how’s Eleanor, Louis?”  The interviewer asks as we are coming to the end of the interview.

“Oh, she’s great!  I miss her like crazy.  Love you babe.”  Louis says making a kissey face at the screen.  The interviewer laughs and turns her attention to Zayn, probably asking about Perrie. 

I glare at the floor, feeling jealousy build up inside me.  He should be sending kisses to me not her.  I should be the one he misses like crazy.

“Well thank you boys for coming…”  The lady starts but I quickly walk off stage, feeling tears sting my eyes. 

“Sorry ‘bout him.”  I hear Liam say faintly just before I open the door to our dressing room and slam it shut behind me.

I run my fingers through my hair, pacing back and forth, letting the tears fall freely.  God I miss Louis.  Before Eleanor he used to touch me and hold me and we would cuddle.  I honestly believed him when he said we would be together someday, but then he went and got a girlfriend.  A hot one at that.

We don’t talk about what happened before anymore.  If the conversation seems to be going in that direction he either changes the subject or makes an excuse to leave.

I sit down on the couch and burry my face in my hands.  Seconds later all they boys barge into the room looking slightly ticked off.

“What the hell was that, Harry?!”  Zayn says.  I ignore him and look right at Louis who is standing in the back with his arms crossed looking awkwardly at the floor.

“Shut up.”  I grumble standing up and walking over to the mini fridge to get a water.

“You idiot, management is going to be pissed not only at you, but at all five of us!”  Zayn said raising his voice a little more.

Louis put his hand on Zayn’s shoulder to calm him down.

“I’ll talk to him.”  I heard Louis whisper in Zayn’s ear.  Zayn shakes his head but leaves the room followed by Liam and Niall.

We stood there awkwardly as I took a giant swing of the water bottle.

Louis sighed and took a seat on the couch, while I leaned against the counter.

“Harry, what was that?”  Louis asked looking over at me. 

I sighed and don’t say anything.  Louis stands up and walks over to me.

“Why the hell did you just run off the set like you were about to murder someone!”  Louis says raising his voice slightly.  I just stay silent staring down at the floor.

Louis laughs not so humorously and shakes his head, turning around and putting his hands on the counter.

“What happened to the old Harry?”  He asks quietly.

Rage built up inside me and I stared at him in disbelief.  “THE OLD HARRY?! WHAT ABOUT THE OLD LOUIS? HUH?  THE ONE THAT CUDDLED ME, AND KISSED ME, AND TOUCHED ME?  WHERE’S HE, LOU?”  I screamed quite loudly.

Louis stands up straight with his eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.  I breath heavily through my nose glaring at him.

“I don’t know what you mean.”  He says stuttering slightly.

Now it’s my turn to laugh sarcastically. “You’ve been avoiding this for long enough, Lou.”  I say.  Louis just looks at the ground.

“Do you remember what you told me when I said I was scared of how I felt for you?”  I asked but he stayed silent.  “You said that I would never be alone.  That you were going to there through all of it.  And that nothing matter more to you than me.”  I said as the tears flowed heavily down my cheeks.

“You said you loved me.”  I said my voice breaking at the work loved.

“Loved you?  Harry!  I still Love you!”  Louis suddenly yelled stepping closer to me.  I laughed taking a step back but hitting the counter.

“What about her.”  I asked refuring to Eleanor.

Louis looked confused until he got it.  His face softened and he stepped back.

“I wasn’t supposed to tell you.  You don’t now how hard it’s been Harry.”  Louis said starting to cry as well.

“Management found out about us. They said if I didn’t pretend to go out with Eleanor they would kick the both of us out.  I said they couldn’t do that and they said they could do whatever the hell they wanted.”  Louis explained.  “I couldn’t do that to you or the boys.  If two members leave one direction there’s no more One Direction.”  He continued.

“So it was all an act?”  I asked, calming down.

Louis nodded and we stood there in silence.

Finally I heard Louis speak.  “I miss you, Haz.”

“I miss you too, Boo.”  I said.  He smiled and ran into my arms.  I wrapped my arms around his waist as he squeezed my neck.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

And then it happened.  Louis kissed me.  I’ve been waiting for six months for this and now it was happening.  I froze in shock but opened my mouth allowing him entrance.  This felt so good, so right.

Louis broke the kiss, letting us both catch our breath.

“What now?”  I ask huffing and puffing but keeping my arms securely around Louis’ waist.

“We keep it a secret I guess, but you can’t storm off the set like that at the mention of Eleanor.  I have to keep pretend dating her.”  Louis said shrugging his shoulders.  I groaned but nodded my head.

“It’s gonna kill me.  Seeing you with her.”  I mumbled.

“Just remember, every time I say I love her or I miss her, and every time I kiss her, I’m thinking of you.”  Louis whispered resting his forehead on mine.

I nodded before crashing my lips on his.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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