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It was a bad idea to take the car and drive in heavy rain. And as if her foolishness wasn't enough, her bad luck kicked in to make matters worse: The car broke down. In the middle of the night. On a deserted street. And with the heavens determined to unleash onto the world, a storm that reminded of old Noah's dreadful times. Yes, definitely. Tonight was ''The Flood'', season two.

Something close to panic started tightening her chest. The water was rising. What was once known as a street, now was quickly transforming into a wild stream. Given the right amount of time, the stream would become a river.

Considering the place and circumstances, the choice to go with the flow was not a wise one.

She took the smartphone out to call for help, but it rang. The name of her best friend appeared on the screen.

"Where the hell are y-"

"Liv? I am in serious trouble, the water is rising, the car broke down, I don't know if I should get out of the car-"

"Layla! Calm down, and tell me what is going on in a way that makes sense," the voice stated at the other end of the line. Her friend realized the emergency of the situation and needed details in order to form a plan.

Layla had called Liv a couple of hours earlier, crying, having just witnessed the man she was in love with, exchange hot kisses with one of her friends inside the Next Round, the overly small and overly crowded bar they hang out at, after class. She couldn't really blame anyone but herself. She was in love with him, not in a relationship with him. Besides, Sofia, who was now enjoying his undivided attention, didn't have a clue. Yet, the fact that he was only her imaginary boyfriend didn't make the pain any less real.

They were all sitting together, and the despicable act unfolded in front of her. She rushed out of the Next Round like someone who has seen a ghost, pretending to feel unwell due to excessive intake of alcohol. Lucas, unaware of the drama he had caused, followed behind, insisting she should not drive intoxicated, especially during a rainy night. She mumbled something incoherent and left. He hadn't persisted. He had someone to attend to anyway.

When out of their sight, she gave way to tears. No matter how much she acknowledged her own denial during these past months, when it was becoming more and more obvious Lucas and Sofia had something going between them. No matter how much she understood, that attributing every single thing he did or said to his supposed feelings for her was only her imagination. She still felt tricked. Tricked again by the universe to believe this time would be different. This time, her dream would come true. The universe owed her that much.

But the sad truth is, the universe doesn't owe anything to anybody.

She wanted to talk to someone, needed to share her pain. So she calledLiv, her favorite girlfriend and the only person in the whole world who knew about Lucas. Or, as he was going to be mentioned henceforth, "the one who shall not be named." She was heading for Liv's apartment somewhere in the suburbs, when all hell broke loose.

"I am on the street where your favorite bakery is, but I can't move. The road is flooded, and the car broke down. I am still in the car," She sounded a lot calmer this time.

"Okay honey, you are not far from my house. Stay there. We are coming."

We? Who's we?

A few minutes later, she spotted the headlights of a car approaching. It didn't look like Liv's, so it must have been the we person's vehicle. When they reached her and got out, Layla realized with dread that the man accompanying Liv was Lucas's friend, Alexander. She couldn't decide how to feel. Relieved for the rescue, or angry at Liv for not telling who she was with? A fact that would have stopped her from going to her house.

The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now