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hey, bring an umbrella, the forecast said that itll rain later Tsushimas brother said, she looked at him and grabbed her umbrella

When did you wake up? Tsushima asked, her brother looked at him and smiled at her sweetly

Gosh, youre creeping me out, you got a girlfriend again? Tsushima asked, her brother nodded. She threw her notebook at him

Dont come at me when she broke you up. I told you to let me see the girl before you court her Tsushima said

What are you? My mom? Youre even younger than me so what do you know? her brother asked and threw back her notebook.

Go to your school now her brother said. She just rolled her eyes and left.

Such a mature little sister her brother thought and chuckled.


*Class 2-5*

Uwaaah, its so cold Saiki complained and keep rubbing her shoulders

Why didnt you wear a jacket? Tsushima asked and stood.

I thought itll be hot Saiki answered, Tsushima just smiled at her and shook her head

Good morning Tsushima suddenly lost her balance and ended sitting in her chair

Gosh, you startled me Tsushima said and looked up to Rikou.

Ya two are good? Saiki asked, Rikou looked at her and nodded. Saiki smiled and chuckled,

Geez, stop greeting me like that Tsushima said and stood again. Rikou just smirked at him and went to his seat.

Yo Rikou Makoto greeted. The class looked at them

Mornin Rikou greeted back

Yeah, good morning Makoto said and left with his buddies. Girl approached Rikou,

What happened to him? Did you fight back yesterday and he lost? youre the second person he greeted like that in this room yeah, first is Tsushima, he likes her last year, hahaha Haha, yeah thats why hes scared to her

Guys, dont talk like that, Makoto is a good guy but he is a short tempered one. Tsushima said,

Yes the girls answered. Tsushima and Saiki went out and Rikou just watched them leave.


Luna, Enma! Hairo called from the next classroom. Both of them looked back and saw him approaching,

What? Tsushima asked

Ya two going somewhere? Hairo asked, Tsushima looked at him disgusted.

Did you do something? Saiki asked, Hairo looked at her and shrugged,

Saiki, lets go Tsushima said and started walking

Weird, why is she mad at you? Saiki asked and looked at him

Hairo just went back to their room and laughed with the other boys again like nothing happened. Saiki sighed and chased Tsushima.

Did something happen? Saiki asked,

That guy probably told Rikou that I like Mizuki-senpai and also about the meat bun Tsushima answered. Saiki suddenly laughed; Tsushima looked at her

Whats funny? Tsushima asked and clicked her tongue,

I was about to tell him that too so Hairo already did Saiki answered, Tsushima nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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