Day 39-5: Cards Against Humanity

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Memories flash across Leda's mind, of the energetic boy who didn't think twice to offer her and Orian a helping hand. How quickly he'd become acquainted with her, met the Queen, and died.

Nausea consumes her.

  "Who's the idiot?"

   Orian laughs lightly. "He's—"

   "—Estan Rez, the dude who's been showing Nairo the ropes since he started working here." He wraps an arm around Orian's shoulder, drawing him closer to himself. With renewed vigour, he sends Leda a wink. "You look rather new, too. I did hear we had a new maid join the ranks but who knew she'd be a gem like you."

"Madam Yana told me when cleaning the throne room, she found his body." Hadey Rez communicates the news. Her tone is flippant and detached, as if they're discussing the weather. "The maids and butlers who were there at the time noted they saw you and some other butler chatting with him before the Queen arrived."

   She swallows.

   "Was it her? Who sent the order to take his life?"

   Ro, sensing the tension in the air, listens quietly.

   Frustrated tears prickle the corners of Leda's eyelids. "I..." Her voice cracks. "I couldn't do anything. In an instant, Paola was there, then in the next, he was... already..."

   Silence brews between them, the guilt crushing her immensely.

   They were... siblings? They shared the same surname—how could she not piece it together? Nevertheless, her own powerlessness let his life be taken so easily. All because she said she was staying behind, and he was kind enough to keep them company.

   Despite her turmoil, Hadey rises to her feet, and with her hands by her thighs, faces her with indifferent blinks. "We knew from the moment we started working for the Queen that our deaths were inevitable. After growing up in the slums, there wasn't much choice for hybrids like us. Even the simple things aren't easy—like going to Arsenals, and being free to pursue magical jobs."

   Leda flinches. "Hybrid?"

   Hadey points to her eye, disappointed she doesn't get it. "I used magic to change their appearance, but in truth, I was born from a Club father and half-Heart mother. I'm a genuine hybrid." She lowers her hand. "I talked big to you about how hybrids are the scum of Straeh—how much weaker, and unnecessary they are in this kingdom—when I'm one myself. I even concealed myself the best I could to get a job here at the palace. I hated my roots, so I cast it aside. But... Estan was—he was the opposite. He evaded attention and lived cautiously because he wanted to live and make enough money to turn our late mother's dream into a reality himself."

   "Nairo, Led-Adel, I want to help you, honest. And although other Hearts may find it pleasurable to die in situations like this, I don't have the intention to.

   "I learned information and kept cautious so I wouldn't. I only accepted this job at the palace so I can raise enough money to become an apprentice. I can't die before I make my dream come true. I'm sorry, but you're on your ow—"

   The memory socks Leda in her nonexistent gut. His last words...

   Teardrops stream down her face, strengthening tenfold.

   Hadey presses her eyelids shut. "Knowing that even him—someone I admired for being so resilient—can die a death so quiet..."


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