05-12-12 Long Imagine part 3

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- Happy Sinterklaas!!!!!!!! ;p Hahaha, you probably think: What the heck is Sinterklaas? Well, that's a celebration day in the Netherlands! Its just like christmas with gifts but then Santa is Sinterklaas and Sinterklaas has Pieten, they are his helpers. Okay, now realising that you maybe know Sinterklaas too. -.- I dunno. Nvm! Here's the new chappie. Hope you like it!

ps: On the side is a lyric video of Truly, Madly, Deeply. I'm really in love with the song!

And then everything felled in place......

Niall Horan was standing there staring at you.'Wow, Lou did really tell me the truth about him. He's more sexy then I thought.' you thought sheepishly, but then you realised. 'He is very famous and I'm just a poor, sick girl. He could get supermodels and movie stars. He really wasn't waiting for an ugly girl like me.'

Then Niall broke the silence.

'So, you are (Y/N) aye? I've heard a lot about you.' And giggled a little.

You were hoping Louis didn't told him any embarrassing things.

'I'm Niall by the way.' And greeted you in a hug. There went sparks through your whole body.

'Wow, that was weird.' You thought. He pulled away and took your luggage.

'Let's go, I think you've been here long enough.'

A little 'okay' came shaky out of your mouth and you checked out. You walked to his car and he held the door open for you.

'Get in, M'lady.' He said dramatically.

After a few seconds you've had your confidence back and said 'Thank you kind Sir' and giggled a little. When he sat down in the car he said

'Should we go and grab some food? I'm really hungry!'

'Yeah, thats hospital food is awefull. Let's grab some Nandos! It's addicting.' You say happily. There came a sparkle in his eyes when you mentioned Nandos. He started the car and started driving to Nandos.

'So you like Nandos huh?' He says cheeky.

'Ofcourse, who doesn't?!' You say sarcasime dripping of the words.

'Stupid people who don't have taste.' He says looking at you.

'So you say I have taste?' You say defiant.

His cheeks turned a little bit red and looked shy to the road again and didn't answer your question.

Soon you reached Nandos and he parked the car. He rushed to your side and opened the door.

'What a gentle man.' You say.

'Everything for my special lady.' He says while his mouth curled in a beautiful smile, showing his braces off.

You looked astonished at his perfect face and you looked quickly shyly to the ground. You almost heard his lips curl up more like it wasn't even possible.

You started walking to Nandos but halfway you suddenly felt dizzy, everything spun around and then .........................

-Oohhhhh, cliffhanger! What's going to happen? And what's Niall going to do? You see it in the next chappie!

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