Chapter 23

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"What? Why not?" Luke asks.

"Because Lucy doesn't want you to go" Mom says.

"Mom" I exclaim and roll my eyes. "It's not that I don't want you to go, Luke. It's just that...uhm..Alec is going with me and it's going to be awkward if you tag along, you know what I mean?" I excuse, internally cringing at my pathetic reason.

"So? It's not like I bite" He defends, scoffing at my lie.

"Yes you do" Mom and I reply at the same time. He rolls his eyes and groans.

"It was just once guys" He yells.

"You bit that poor kid and destroyed his wrist, Luke!" Mom exclaims. We laugh at the memory of 10 year old Luke biting a kids wrist.

"Whatever" He mumbles. "Fine, I won't go but next month I'm definitely there. No excuses" He tells me and I nod. Thank heavens, Luke didn't put up a fight or it would have been a long morning.

The beeping of a car horn has me out my seat and the door. I climb in Alec's car,greeting him and throw my bag at the back as usual.

"Okay. We-no I've been avoiding this for a long time now and I think I should address it again" He states after a few beats  silence.

"What are you going on about, Al?" I chuckle.

"I was thinking...maybe we could go out this Saturday. What do you think?" He asks, quickly glancing at me before his eyes fall back on the road again.

"Sure, Al. I mean, you didn't have to ask" I snort. This guy.

"No,Lucy. As in...a date" He corrects me. I gape at him as I process the words in my unfortunately slow brain.

"M-me?" I manage to stutter out and point at myself.

"No. The one behind your nose" He retorts, rolling his eyes. "Ofcourse you, dumbo" I let out a humourless laugh and my head.

"Why would you go out with someone like me?" I ask, completely dumbfounded. This,is just crazy.

"Because your smart, funny, sweet, kind and every other box that is on my list. Just because your pregnant doesn't mean your unattractive, Lucy. Your actually very beautiful and quirky. Your someone I see myself with. Someone who is strong and doesn't care about what other people say about her. I like that. I like you" My heart flutters at his words as I blush a crimson color.

I've never been told such sweet words before. Never in my 18 years of life have I been told how attractive I am to a person. Yeah sure, my family gives out the usual compliments but never a boy I like. I've always admired from afar and not once spoke to my crushes to avoid embarrassing myself. To hear such heart warming words from someone I like and someone who respects me a lot, it means a lot to me.

"Thank you, Al" I whisper, too afraid to speak aloud. What if my voice comes out super squeaky then he says he doesn't like me anymore? Well that would have been so embarrassing.

"Your welcome. Plus, you deserve it. With all the shit going on in your life, it's the least I could do"

Now this makes me question his actions. Are they out of pure interest or sympathy? I would not be surprised if they are from sympathy but I would be disappointed. I think I've finally found someone who respects me and likes me for me. Someone who appreciates me. Unlike someone like Cole.

"Thank you, Al but I hope your not doing this because you feel bad for me or I will throw you out this car and run you over" I warn playfully and laugh. He laughs too and shakes his head, making his blonde hair shake and tickle his forehead.

"No. This is genuinely from the heart. I'd like to take you out, maybe for a movie or a little picnic because I know your not an ordinary girl" He jokes and I laugh. I shove him and rub my belly, feeling really happy.

"Okay" I say. "I'll go out with you but just know that if you become some asshole, Luke will be quick to erase you from this world" I snort, knowing my brother very well. He wouldn't even hesitate to castrate Alec and put him in a life threatening coma.

"Yeah. I'll take note of that. Your brother scares the shit out of me" He shivers in fear and bites his lip.

"Good. It's best that way" I say. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Cole is coming to the ultrasound with me today"

Alec's head snaps so fast to look at me that I got a little concerned. How did he not get whiplash for doing that? He is a strange man.

"He is?" He asks, flabbergasted. I nod with a snicker.

"I'm surprised too, Al. I really thought he was joking when he told me he wanted to do this with me. I'm just as shocked and confused as you are" I say. It's true. My head can't wrap over the fact that Cole is literally going to the doctor with me.

"Did he...mention anything about his father?" He cautiously asks and I shake my head.

"No but I know that we shouldn't say anything to his father" I say and Alec nods. We both go quiet as we get lost in thoughts revolving around one person.

Cole Grey.

We both know the consequences of his father knowing about this. He might beat him so bad it would be scary to even look at him. I wonder how Alec's mother was able to marry him and wake up next to him everyday knowing what he does to his own son.

Or maybe she doesn't know?


Hey there Marshmallows💙 Just came to greet yall and ask a few questions.

•What do you guys think about Alec?
•How do you feel about Lucy?
•How do you feel about Cole?
•Would you guys like to meet Cole's father?

Alright marshmallows💙😅 sorry for the short chapter. Im planning something next chapter so I hope that'll make up for this short one😆😚

Dont forget to vote,comment and share my book. Stay home stay safe😚

Love yall
Fezikhumalo ❤❤

( ps. This is the longest authors note Ive ever written😂 )

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