When sun plays pee-ka-boo

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My patience was getting very thin
Staying away from my kin
Everyone experiencing the quarantin
And complaining about the akin
Seemed like the population had committed a grave sin
Above all this pre-winter was like an enemy-akin
Clouds and soft drizzle hide sun and win
Making way for freezing wind which pricks like a pin
And sometimes when sun rays pour in
Making the only reason to beam
Warm rays of sun seeping into my cold skin
Giving me the most wanted vitamin
Just like I get a cookie from a tin
Pushing away the gloominess from my inn
Little bit of sunshine making me jump and grin.

Ps: it is quarantine, I have changed the spelling for a rhyming word.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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