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The scent of Draco lingered in the air, swirling through Hermione's senses before disappearing entirely. Hermione's eyes sunk, vacantly landing on a spot on the floor. The stone wall behind her was her only support. She was afraid that if she tried to stand her confusion would take over, dizzying her to the point of falling. She stood like this, bewildered and disoriented, until the large oak door of Headmaster's office swung itself open. 

She would face Dumbledore alone, she accepted the fact that Draco Malfoy was not one to politely take punishment, and rose towards the open door. As she walked, Hermione quickly flattened her hair, straightened her robes, and pulled at her cheeks as if she was trying to yank herself out of her disarray. 

Once she reached the large door, she slowly climbed the few steps until she emerged in Dumbledore's office. It was a large, beautiful circular room with windows which filled the space with warm yellow sunlight. Hermione glanced about the room, searching for her Headmaster. After a moment, the young witch realized that he was not yet there. 

Hermione sighed, trying her best not to be frustrated with the situation. Thoughts of expulsion and suspension and detention crept beside her as she traced the perimeter of the office. The walls were covered with portraits of previous Headmasters and Headmistresses, who payed Hermione no attention. Facing the large oak door was Dumbledore's desk, an enormous claw-footed affair. Upon his desk were many papers, a beautiful silver ink pot, and a large quill. Directly behind this desk hung the Sword of Gryffindor, shinning in the light. Beneath the weapon was the Sorting Hat, who was now lifeless. 

Hermione stared at the limp leather hat. It was battered and old; patched, frayed, and extremely dirty. The Sorting Hat had aged since Hermione had worn it and it was strange to see the object inanimate. Her head tilted to the side as she inspected its torn edges and wide, flimsy brim. 

"Miss Granger, I hope I'm not interrupting your thoughts." Dumbledore's voice coated the room with calmness, but surprised Hermione so terribly that she jumped. "That's alright, that's alright," Dumbledore cooed, nodding at the young witch as she turned to face him. 

"Headmaster! No, no. Forgive me, the door opened so I let myself in." Hermione's hand was over her heart, which sent pink blood rising to her cheeks, suddenly very nervous.

Dumbledore nodded, folding a large parchment that was in his hands. He began walking towards Hermione, slowly and so gently that he could have been floating. As he passed his desk, he dropped the parchment into the collection of others, then took a stance next to Hermione. Hermione looked towards the Headmaster and noticed that he now gazed at the hat. She followed his eyes, the student and professor standing side by side as they watched at the lifeless Sorting Hat. 

"This was once a normal hat, belonging to Godric Gryffinor, you know. After Hogwarts School was first established, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff, wondered how they would continue to sort their students when the four had passed. Gryffindor pulled his hat from his head and, together, they enchanted it with their combined intelligence. With this knowledge, the Sorting Hat is able to search the mind of the wearer. This is why it is very infrequent for the hat to make mistakes."

Hermione swallowed the thoughts that were dancing over her tongue.

"You fear that the Sorting Hat made a mistake in placing you as a Gryffindor," It was as if he had read Hermione's mind or perhaps just incredibly intuitive. Dumbledore's voice was steady, he nodded to himself, folding his hands together behind his back. He seemed to be waiting for Hermione's response as he stared into the shine of the Sword of Gryffindor. 

"No, sir.... It's only that..." Hermione looked away from the valor of the mounted sword, struggling to explain herself. "I don't feel much like a Gryffindor, sir."

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