16 | Pity Party

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Chapter track: Latch by Disclosure feat. Sam Smith.


Paige had her arms locked around mine. I tried my best to shake her off without it being offensive but her hands were stuck to me like an octopus' tentacles.

Was this the overfamiliarity - and possibly more to come - what Della hinted at earlier? It wasn't just her overthinking things as usual was it?

God, her perfume is making my eyes water.

"I heard Brian's having a party tomorrow night..."

I slipped my hand out of hers with a smile. She looked down where we had been joined at the hip but said nothing. "Yeah. He is. You going?"

"Are you?" She purred.

Without the least bit of lust as my influencer, more leaning on the side of curiosity, my attention shifted to her glossy lips that she puckered. Was it really necessary to lather them like that? It made her resemble a middle schooler who had eaten a greasy hamburger and forgot to wipe her mouth.

She smirked when she caught me staring. I coughed.

This girl really surpassed my expectations. And not in a good way.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I mean, I guess. I haven't been to one in a while."

I was still debating whether going or not was a good idea after knowing what happened in the past. I guess all I had to do was not get inebriated.

"Great." Her smile was blinding as she skipped over to the parking lot and to her car. It was over-the-top like her.

I couldn't get into contact with Della for the rest of the day. After doing much thinking, I thought it would be best to straighten out what she and I had going on. It wasn't fair on either of our parts to go around like a headless chicken in this relationship. Nor was it healthy.

Truth be told, I was being greedy. I wanted all of her. Not just the scraps. And that could be accomplished after regaining my title of her boyfriend.

The way she brought up Paige earlier too admitted things she never would. That she felt the same. She wanted me for herself.

If only she knew that she already had me.

Damien was surrounded by a crowd of girls as I walked over to our parking space. There were giggles and chatter of the upcoming party.

"The DJ's gonna be sick," he aired with enthusiasm oozing from his words.

"Oh hey man!" He greeted at the sight of me, his hands wrapped around a girl I couldn't believe he was wasting his time on. The Regina George wannabe.

"Hey. I'm just gonna..." I indicated to my ride.

"Yeah, go on ahead." He urged with an unsettled glance at Natasha who had her eyes glued to my bare arms.

I smiled tightly before hopping into my car.

"Make sure to be at the party tomorrow or I'll kick your ass!"

I chuckled to myself.

You're insane if you think that's a possibility.


Brian's parents were going to go crazy. And that was a concern that never ever came to my mind when I kept my own parties. The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my lungs feel like mush. The bass thumped in time with my heart beat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. I hated this song.

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