Chapter 5

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They mounted their horses and rode next to the Nymphs, who walked as silently as they had come. Taryn fought to keep herself awake, the lack of sleep and the biting cold fighting to drag her into unconsciousness. She had taken her blanket and wrapped it around herself, just enough to hide her southern armor. She glanced back at Andre and Zeph, who appeared to have the same thoughts. Zeph was already asleep, and Andre was constantly rubbing his eyes, fighting to keep himself upright on his stead.

They arrived at Lumidi a few hours later, just as the sun was rising. It's light reflected off of the icy walls, turning them from blue to a beautiful pink as the sun hit their spires.

"Come on, my mom's house isn't too far from here," Neve said, leading them through the town.

The houses were small and dome-like. The smaller ones were made out of ice and snow, though some of the bigger ones had been put together with large stones and pine wood. Though it was early, people were already out and moving around. Taryn pulled the blanket tighter around herself, making sure no one could see her armor.

"This feels weird," Neve whispered to Taryn.

"How come?"

Neve shrugged. "I don't know, it's just been a while since I've been back."

"You worried?"

"I don't know," She said again. "My parents and I didn't exactly leave on good terms."

Neve walked up to one of the stone houses, knocking on the door. They stood there as the minutes passed, waiting.

"Maybe they're not home," Zeph suggested.

"Yeah... yeah, that's probably it. Come on, let's head in."

Neve walked in and the others followed. The place was one room, with a small fireplace for cooking in one area, a large bed at the back, a small table next to the bed, and a chest at the foot of the bed.

"It looks different than I remember," Neve said.

Taryn looked around at the place. She had only seen it briefly before, but Neve was right, this wasn't nearly the same at all.

"Maybe they redecorated or something,"

Andre turned to his right, glancing at a painting. It had a picture of a young girl, probably only slightly older than Taryn. She had long, flowing blue hair that hit her waist with a gray dress with long sleeves that reached her knees.

"Taryn," Andre whispered.

Taryn spun around and Andre ushered for her to come. She glanced back at Neve before joining him.

"Who is this?" He whispered, pointing to the painting.

Taryn looked at it. She had never seen the woman in the painting before. Her eyes scanned the lady's shiny hair and a flowing dress. "I don't know," she finally said.

"Neve?" Zeph asked.

She turned around. "What is it?"

Zeph glanced back towards Andre and Taryn having overheard the conversation. "Are you sure this is your parents' house?"

"Of course, I used to live here." She said, but the tone in her voice suggested she felt otherwise.

As if on cue, the same woman from the painting opened the door and stepped in. She opened her mouth to scream, but as if at lightning speed, Neve launched forward, putting her hand over the girl's mouth and pinned her against the wall with her knee ledged on the girl's hip.

"Who are you?"

"Neve--" Taryn said, but Neve wasn't listening.

"Who are you, why are you here, where are my parents?" Neve removed her hand, allowing the girl to speak.

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