SNAP: The World Unfolds

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Paolo got me to the private plane area at Newark by 7 p.m.  We were early. Even though Jean-Louis called from the plane to let us know their expected touch-down time, Paolo was concerned about traffic.  In the world of the Kandesky family, I was the one who waited, not Jean-Louis.

We waited less than thirty minutes.  The jet swept in, taxied to the hangar, dropped the steps and the pilot came off.  Paolo unloaded my luggage, trundled up the stairs, handed it off to the attendant at the door and went into the plane’s cabin.   The pilot was stretching and talking to the refueling crew.  I stood by the car, mentally twirling my thumbs and waiting for somebody to say something to me.  I felt like an unclaimed package.

Finally, after stowing my luggage, the attendant, a blond, natch, came over to me.  “Hello Ms. Gwenoch, I’m Serena and I’m your cabin attendant tonight.  Do you want to come aboard and get settled?”

Well, duh...oops.  I mentally slapped myself, smiled, mumbled “Thank you” and climbed up into the jet.  Even though it was on the dark side of twilight, all the window shades were drawn and a lamp glowed on a desk at the back of the cabin.  Paolo was standing in front of it, talking, and Jean-Louis was jotting notes on a laptop.  “Thank you, Paolo,” he said, stood and walked toward me.  He smiled, he glimmered, he said, “Hello, Maxie,” and I stammered.

I put out my hand, expecting to shake his, but he took it and pulled me into him.  It was a hug of welcome more than a lover’s embrace, but the feeling of his arm around my waist sent jitters up my spine and made my hair dance.  I looked up at him.  His dark eyes looked into mine and saw my soul, or at least the lust I felt for him.

Like a cat that stole the cream, his next smile managed to be both sexy and mischievous.  “I’m glad to see you and from the look of you, you’re glad to see me, too.”

In a spate of movement, Paolo left, the pilot reboarded, the attendant shut and locked the door, turned to us and said, “You’ll have to be seated and belted in now.” and the plane began its taxi.  Suddenly we were airborne, circling around over the Atlantic and heading west, for L.A.  I wasn’t the same person who’d left the Coast a few days ago.  I didn’t know who the new person was going to be.

Serena came over and asked if we’d like dinner or a snack.  In the final rush of packing, I hadn’t eaten and said, “Dinner, please,” as Jean-Louis just shook his head.  “I’m fine. Maybe a glass of Bull’s Blood to keep Maxie company while she eats,” he smiled.

The food and wine arrived as we reached cruising altitude and we moved over to the desk, clearing space and using it as a table. I took a couple of bites of chicken picatta before I said, “Well, did you and Paolo get yesterday’s hallway visitor figured out?”

“We did.  From all we can see, he was just who he said he was, a freelancer wanting to meet you and sell something.”

“That’s good.” I took a sip of wine.  “I really don’t think I can go through life suspecting everyone who talks to me.  Besides, how many people could the Huszars hire?  And wouldn’t it look suspicious if I was suddenly swamped with people accosting me?”

Jean-Louis shook his head.  “Pen told me she called you a naif,” he grinned and drank.  “She was right, in so many ways.  You’re bright, you’re knowledgeable, you’re quick and clever, you know you stuff and the media biz, you understand the celebrities. 

“What you don’t know is our side of life.  Hell, you don’t know anything about danger or power or ambition...”

“Wait a minute.”  I interrupted him, waving my fork under his nose.  “I’ve covered, and assigned, and planned coverage of some of the most ambitious, venal, powerful, corrupt people possible.  I’ve interacted with stars who have bigger egos than...than...”  I  sputtered, searching for a word.

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