Chapter Seven

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My alarm goes off interrupting me from one of the best dreams I have ever had, that I actually can't remember. I hate when that happens.

The alarm continues ringing, irritating my ears. My eyes shoot open and I sit up when I notice that I'm not the only one in bed. Jenkins is lying on his belly trying to block out the alarm noise with a pillow. Oh. I haven't turned that off yet.

''Shut it up.'' says Jenkins through the pillow as he stretches out his arm to possibly do it himself.

I turn it off and head to the bathroom. I'm done with what I need to do real quick so I get on to the next task, waking Jenkins.

'' They're not there Al, just like always.'' says Jenkins when he finds me standing outside my parents bedroom door.

Sometimes it's like I don't even have a family except for Jenkins. My parents are never around and when they are it's like I don't exist. It's just work, work,work. Well at least that's the case for my dad, my mum on the other hand hates my guts. She still believes...

'' Al!'' calls Jenkins, pulling me out of my thoughts. He's already dressed up ready for school.

He spends a lot of time here so he's got lots of clothes around and that's just one of the many things my parents won't ever notice because they're too blind to even see what's crumbling around them.

He places an arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to his side as a way of comforting me. He's not one for emotional situations so watching him try to comfort me is really funny and before I can hold it back, the laughter breaks my walls.

'' I'm getting good at this.'' he smiles as we walk into the kitchen.

Ignoring him, I prepare us bowls of cereal. We sit in a comfortable silence and eat.

'' tonight?'' he muffles through his full mouth.

'' Seriously?'' I glare. How many times have I told him to never talk with his mouth full.

'' Still working on it.'' he says after chewing and swallowing. '' So party? '' he asks again.

'' No can do, we have school tomorrow.'' I remind him.

'' Don't be such a Debbie Downer. '' he whines. '' I'm going with or without you.''

'' Fine.'' I shrug. There is no way I'm getting a hangover on a Tuesday of all days.

'' I was kidding, it won't be any fun without you!'' he pouts then stuffs cereal into his mouth and I've gotta admit, he looks pretty cute like that.

'' Okay, so how about this, instead of the party, ''I say with a sudden burst of enthusiam and pause dramatically to ensure I have Jenkins undivided attention.

He pushes aside his bowl, anxiously waiting for what I was gonna say.

'' We stay here and do some Chemistry!'' I state with just as much enthusiasm and a dash of jazz hands.

Jenkins stares at me with utter disgust painted all over his face. He was like a real life emoji.

'' What? '' I tried to keep my face as straight and stern as possible.

'' Can't believe I stopped eating to hear this!'' He rolls his eyes pulls back his bowl and stuffs cereal into his mouth.


We pull up in the parking lot get out and head to the main entrance where a few are gathered doing there own thing.

'' Alya! '' someone calls as we make our way through the hallway.

Before we can turn, the source of the voice pops up in front of us. Hayley.

'' Hey'' she says and pauses for a second to catch her breath. Did she run to catch up with us.

I look around and her friends aren't with her and that gives me a little relief.

'' Hey,'' I smile.

'' Have you spoken with Zeke yet? '' she asks worried.

Are you kidding me right now, this is why she was running to catch up with us.

'' Hayley I really don't want to talk about this.'' I replied with a slight eye roll and held onto Jenkins arm ready to walk away.

I know I told her I'd tell her everything today but whether I talk to him or not is none of her concern.

'' Okay, are we good? '' she asks stepping in front of us.

'' Yeah, why wouldn't we?''  I was a little confused as to why she was acting so strange.

'' I just thought he told you...never mind.'' she shrugs it off and forces a smile. '' See you later.'' she practically speed walks away towards her friends who not surprisingly were glaring at me.

I exchanged a confused look with Jenkins before we continued to our class. Strange doesn't even begin to describe whatever that was. Is she hiding something? You know, I'd actually rather not know.

Long boring lessons later...and we're seated in the cafeteria having our lunch. I love it when days move this fast.

'' Oh please, it's like trying to say the Hulk is stronger than Thor! '' I exclaim

'' That's cuz' he is!'' says Jenkins. '' He's the strongest superhero.''

'' Yeah sure, who told you that, your grandma.'' I say sipping on my juice.

'' Thor is just a guy with a hammer.'' he shrugs.

'' And Hulk is just a green smurf with anger issues. ''  I say.I'd defend Thor till my last breath.

'' What are you two bickering about?'' asks Aidan who sits down next to Jenkins. I quickly scan around for Zeke and he's no where in sight.

'' She thinks Thor is better than Hulk. '' scoffs Jenkins.

'' He is!'' replies Aidan like it wasn't something worth discussing. '' Your literally putting the god of lightning against a guy who ate way too much food colouring and has anger issues.''

'' Couldn't have said it better myself.'' I agree a wide grin on my face and high five Aidan.

'' You too sicken me.'' spits Jenkins as he bites furiously into his burger and we just laugh at him.

'' You talked to Zeke yet? '' asks Aidan and that's enough to ruin my mood.

Is he paying people to do that, seriously, why the fuck does everyone care if I talk to him or not. My issues with him are not anyone's concern, not Aidan's and sure as hell not Hayley's. Can't a girl get her fucking space.

'' Is that why you came?'' I say, trying my best to contain my annoyance.

'' Nope.'' he replies. '' Your parents tell you about the reunion?'' he asks Jenkins

'' Yeah but I'm not attending.''

'' Yes you are, everyone's gonna be there. Even Uncle Denis is flying in and you know that means Jerry is coming too. You can't leave me alone with him.'' pleads Aidan '' Oh and if you do, your mum might just find out about our arrangement last year. '' he smirks and stands up to leave.

'' Later Da vinci,'' he says to me and ruffles Jenkins hair.


The final bell finally sounds and it's like a wave of anxiety pushed right off my back. Jenkins drops me home and continues to his place to prepare for tonight. My parents aren't home yet, no shock there so I use my free time to prepare for tonight as well.

At around 8, Jenkins arrives and meets me in my room. I'm in the bathroom by the time he walks in.

'' Okay, so I've brought all my Chem books, let's do this.'' I hear him yell

I finish up in the bathroom and head out to meet him.

'' What the fuck are you wearing!'' he stares at me in disbelief earning a smirk from me.

Vote! Vooteeeeeee!

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